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besime pınar özdemir

Covid Pandemisinde İletişimsel İhtiyaçlar, Beklentiler ve Deneyimler Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma: 65 Yaş ve Üzeri Ankara Örneklemi

During the Covid pandemic, individuals age 65 and over defined the high-risk group due to the high probability of experiencing the negative consequences in this cohort. As a result, this group had increased risk perceptions and the need for communication and information during the crisis. Individuals aged 65 and over were subject to specific restrictions and risk precautions. Their limited access to information compared to other age cohorts differentiated their communication expectations. Since risk communication studies are based on attributes, needs, and expectations of the recipients of the risk messages, these groups must partner in the risk communication process by understanding the communication channels they access and how to use the risk information. According to population projections, the proportion of people age 65 and over in Turkey in will be 11% (TÜİK, ). Therefore, this age cohort will continue to be an important target group for future risk communication studies.

This study examines the communicative needs, expectations, and experiences of high-risk individuals aged 65 and over with a high probability of experiencing negative consequences of Covid We conducted semi-structured interviews with 47 people aged 65 and over residing in Ankara. The study’s research design is structured on the qualitative method. Research questions guiding the study were:

1. What are the communicative needs and expectations of individuals age 65 and over in the Covid pandemic?

2. Which communication channels and resources do individuals age 65 and over obtain information about risks during the Covid pandemic?

3. What are the main categories used by individuals aged 65 and over to assess risk information during the COVID pandemic?

Study participants mentioned television as their primary source of information during the pandemic. Newspapers, radio, social media platforms, and other interpersonal communication channels were additional sources of information for the participants.

The need for information stands out as the most critical communicative need during the pandemic experience. Individuals age 65 and over met their information needs primarily through traditional media, such as television, and began to use digital media more than in the days preceding the pandemic. An essential result is that the participants acted selectively while watching television and watched the channels they trusted. Participants stated that they primarily relied on medical doctors and non-governmental organizations in the medical field while obtaining information from various mass media, especially television, during the pandemic. Participants deprived of the ability to communicate face-to-face due to imposed restrictions during the pandemic used the phone and internet to maintain social relations. Facebook and WhatsApp were the most popular digital platforms for individuals age 65 and over during the pandemic.

How information gets shared among people in risk communication can affect both risk perception and the relationship with risk. Study participants communicated about the epidemic with their families and friends mainly via telephone. The use of smartphones for video calls or group calls is growing among individuals age 65 and over. In this context, the pandemic pressured individuals in this age cohort to develop specific digital competencies. Notably, the children of the participants who do not have access to current information about the pandemic through digital channels contribute significantly to the information flow regarding the Covid pandemic. Individuals with low digital capital and a lack of family support become dependent on conventional media for information.

During the pandemic, the information required by individuals aged 65 and over about Covid changed over time. Initially, information was needed on the virus, how it spread, and how to protect against it. As the pandemic lingered on, interest shifted toward vaccine-related developments. The fact that some information about the epidemic, which was initially accepted as correct and later revealed to be incorrect, caused participants the need to confirm the information they obtained from time to time. On the other hand, the absence of a reliable mechanism to verify information led to increased anxiety in the high-risk cohort.

Tez NoİndirmeTez KünyeDurumu Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.
Türkiye`de özel bankaların eleman arama, seçme ve sosyalleştirme süreçleri: Halkla ilişkiler odaklı bir araştırma / Recruitment, selection and socialization process of the private banks in Turkey: A public relations focused study
Yer Bilgisi: Ankara Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Konu:Halkla İlişkiler = Public Relations ; İşletme = Business Administration
Dizin:Bankalar = Banks ; Halkla ilişkiler = Public relations ; Personel seçimi = Personnel selection ; Sosyalleşme = Socialization ; Özel bankalar = Private banks ; İşe alma = Recruitment Onaylandı
Yüksek Lisans

s. ÖZET Türkiye 'deki özel bankaların personel arama, seçme ve sosyalleştirme süreçlerinin halkla ilişkiler odaklı olarak incelenmesinden yola çıkarak halkla ilişkiler-insan kaynakları yönetimi ilişkisini konu alan bu tez beş ana bölümden oluşmaktadır. Çalışmanın başlangıcında örgüt kuramları ayrıntılı olarak ele alınmış ve tarihsel süreç içerisinde nasıl bir gelişim gösterdikleri üzerinde durulmuştur. Örgüt kuramları üzerinde durulduktan sonra insan kaynakları yönetimi, halkla ilişkiler kavramları ele alınmış ve bu kavramlar arasındaki ilişki üzerinde durularak halkla ilişkilerin insan kaynakları yönetimine yaptığı katkılar tartışılmıştır. Tezin üçüncü ve dördüncü bölümlerinde bankaların personel arama, seçme ve sosyalleştirme süreçlerini nasıl yürüttükleri üzerinde durulmuş ve her bir aşama halkla ilişkiler odaklı olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Son bölümde ise Türkiye'deki özel bankalarda gerçekleştirilmiş olan ampirik araştırma sonuçları sunulmuş ve Türkiye'deki özel bankaların insan kaynakları uzmanlarının halkla ilişkileri kendi alanlarıyla ilgili görmedikleri ve bu nedenle de halkla ilişkiler birimlerinden destek alma yoluna gitmedikleri sonucuna varılmıştır. y^m&MmmwuM) ABSTRACT This thesis, whose subject is the relationship between public relations and human resource management setting out from the public relations focused study of the recruitment, selection and socialization processes of the private banks in Turkey, is composed of five main parts. At the beginning of the study, organizational theories have been discussed and their development the history has been emphasized. After dwelling upon the organizational theories, the concepts of human resource management and public relations have been evaluated and emphasizing on the relationship of these concepts, the contributions of public relations to human resource management have been discussed In the third and fourth parts of the thesis, the execution of the recruitment, selection and socialization processes by the banks has been discussed and each phase has been evaluated on a public relations focused basis. Finally, in the last part, the results of the empirical research carried on among private banks in Turkey have been presented, and it has been concluded that the human resource specialists of the banks in Turkey do not consider public relations relevant to their task and therefore do not seek assistance of the public relations departments.


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