cengiz cinnioglu / cengiz cinnioğlu - ekşi sözlük

Cengiz Cinnioglu

cengiz cinnioglu

Fatih Altaylı, Habertürk Gazetesi'ndeki 25.08.2009 tarihli "Anadolu'nun gen haritası" başlıklı yazısında Stanford Üniversitesi'nden Cengiz Cinnioğlu ve ekibinin 2003 yılında yayınladığı çalışmaya yer vermiş ve Türkiye'deki genetik grupların yüzdelerini aktarmış.

Yazıda belirtilen oranlar bu halleriyle aynen adı geçen raporda bulunmamakla birlikte, 30.12.2007 tarihinde Radikal2'de yayınlanan "Türkiye'nin genetik zenginliği" başlıklı yazım için yaptığım okuma sonrası hesapladığım basitleştirilmiş/özetlenmiş oranlardı. Oranlar doğru olmakla birlikte, Cengiz Cinnioğlu "Bu oranlar raporumdan alıntı değildir" dese yanlış olmaz.

2003'te yaklaşık 500 kişi ile yapılmış Cinnioğlu çalışmasından sonra bu çapta başka bir çalışma duymadım. FTDNA'de oluşturduğum Türkiye grubuna katılanların Y-DNA genetik dağılımları ile Cinnioğlu çalışmasındaki dağılım birbirine oldukça benziyor. FTDNA-Türkiye grubundaki katılım 50 kişi civarında.

CİNNİOĞLU ve FTDNA-TÜRKİYE, Y-DNA dağılımlarının karşılaştırması
Büyütmek için tıklayın


95 Dede, Denizcan; The Ethnogenetic Continiuity in Eurasian Steppes and its Confirmation Through Population Genetics and Sociobiology Picture 2, Turkish Y-DNA data of Oghuz Turks DNA project in October, 2019. 2sd International Congress of Multidisciplinary Social Sciences (ICMUSS2020), May 06-08 2020 Ankara / TURKEY 90 Dede, Denizcan; The Ethnogenetic Continiuity in Eurasian Steppes and its Confirmation Through Population Genetics and Sociobiology “Central Asian” and they directly call them as “native Anatolian”. However, both of them are very old haplogroups for the geographic area called as Central Asia or Turkestan. For example, haplogroup R1ba1-M478 is found in the Botai culture, a prehistorical culture in contemporary Northern Kazakhstan, where is one of the oldest centers of horse domestication. Aforementioned subclade of R1b is quite frequent in Altai region. Among Kumandin people of Altai, this subclade can be found in ratio of 35,3%40, in Teleüts in Kemerovo/Bekovo it reaches the ratio of 37,5%.41 In Turkestan42, around 3,17% of Kazakhs have R1b-M478 haplogroup however this percentage rises to 41,4% in Kipchak tribe in Middle Jüz tribal entity of Kazakhs. The Hazaras in Pakistan have this haplogroup with the rate of 32%. 43 A more interesting detail is that PH155 branch of R1b is found in both Xioungnu, Tianshan Huns and European Huns.44 45. Moreover, this subclade occurs in a modern-day Turkish person in Konya46, which shows both continuity between Xioungnu and European Huns and relation of R- PH155 with spread of Turkic language. The continuity can be schemed with this map, see (Picture 3) J2, a haplogroup associated with “native Anatolians” in most of the studies, is also found in Kimaks and medieval Karakhanid and Karluk samples. R1a-z93 is also frequent in both Hunnic samples and medieval Turkic people. 4748 All of those data show that, there is a genetic continuity between modern day Turkish people with the people of Great Steppes, who were bearers of the culture and language of the contemporary Turks. A Hint on Hungarian and Turkish Genetic Ties, from Urals and Siberia to Pannonian Plains and Yörüks of South Anatolia The 2020 article of “Genetic analysis of male Hungarian Conquerors: European and Asian paternal lineages of the conquering Hungarian tribes” show an interesting tie between modern Turks and modern Hungarians. One of the Magyar conquerors with the haplogroup of N3a, which is also frequent in contemporary Yakuts, match with both a modern Hungarian and a modern Turk. The 40 Dulik, Gökçümen et. al., 2012, p. 234. 41 Karafet et. al., 2018, p. 30. 42 I mostly prefer using Turkestan instead of Central Asia, since Turkestan is a better term of ethno-geographical structure of this area. 43 Di Cristofaro et. al., 2013, p. 3. 44 Damgaard, 2018. 45 Veeremah et. al., pp. 3498-3499. 46 This person is registered in FamilyTreeDNA’s Oghuz Turks Project, can be seen in Y-DNA chart, registered with the name of “Küçükmuhsine / KONYA”. 47 Allentoft, 2015, p. 171. 48 Damgaard, 2018. 2sd International Congress of Multidisciplinary Social Sciences (ICMUSS2020), May 06-08 2020 Ankara / TURKEY


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