enjoy grammar 1 pdf indir / ingilizce-gramer-kitabi-pdf-indir-turkce-aciklamali-12539(1)

Enjoy Grammar 1 Pdf Indir

enjoy grammar 1 pdf indir

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  • ingilizce-gramer-kitabi-pdf-indir-turkce-aciklamali-12539(1)

    Kıtabın Temel Amacı<br />

    Bu kitap, Anadolu ve Fen Liseleri gibi İngilizce eğitim veren tüm eğitim kurumları,<br />

    üniversitelerin hazırlık öğrencileri, tüm İngilizce sınavlarına hazırlananlar, ayrıca İngilizceyi<br />

    temelden başlayıp tüm detaylarıyla öğrenmek isteyenler için büyük bir titizlikle<br />

    hazırlanmıştır. Türk Eğitim Sistemine uygun olan bu eser, <strong>ingilizce</strong> <strong>gramer</strong>inde yer alan<br />

    63 Ünite başlığı altında yazılmış ve adayların tüm ihtiyacına yeterli olabilecek bir kaynaktır.<br />

    Dilbilgisi<br />

    Bu kitap, İngilizce dilbilgisi ile ilgili konular üzerinde geniş kapsamlı ve bol açıklamalı<br />

    biçimde tasarlanmıştır. Ünite birden başlayarak tüm kitaba çalışmaya gerek yok. Hangi<br />

    konuda kendini yetersiz buluyorsan o konuya çalışmak daha verimli olacaktır. Her kişinin<br />

    dilbilgisi ile ilgili farklı sorunları var; bu yüzden onların ilgili konulara daha çok<br />

    zaman ayırmaları gerekir.<br />

    Üniteleri kullanma<br />

    Her ünite iki bölümden oluşur. Her ünitenin konu başlığına ait geniş açıklama çerçeve<br />

    içersinde verilmiştir. Açıklamanın altında detaylar ve her konuya ait “Örnek Cümleler”<br />

    yer almaktadır. Her ünite ile ilgili bol alıştırmayı konunun sonunda bulabilirsiniz. Özellikle<br />

    bu çalışma üzerinde durmakta fayda vardır.<br />

    Örnek cevaplar ve cevap anahtarı<br />

    Alıştırmalların başlığı altında, birinci veya ikinci örnek cevaplar verilmiştir. Bu<br />

    cevaplar işığında diğer alıştırmalar yapılmalı. Tüm alıştırmaların cevapları kitabın arkasında<br />

    yer almaktadır.Ortalama olarak 4.000’e yakın uygulama bulabilirsiniz.<br />

    <strong>ingilizce</strong> -Türkçe sözlük<br />

    Kitabın arka sayfalarında<br />

    sözlük mevcuttur.<br />

    ihtiyacınıza cevap verecek kapasitede İngilizce-Türkçe<br />



    UNIT 1<br />

    UNIT 2<br />

    To be -Present and Past (am-is-are- was-were) (yardımcı fiiler)<br />

    Subject and object pronouns- (zamirler)<br />

    UNIT 3 Possessive adjectives ( İyelik sıfatları )<br />

    UNIT 4<br />

    Possessive pronouns (İyelik zamirleri)<br />

    UNIT 5 The definite article-the (belirli artikel )<br />

    UNIT 6<br />

    UNIT 7<br />

    UNIT 8<br />

    UNIT 9<br />

    UNIT 10<br />

    UNIT 11<br />

    UNIT 12<br />

    UNIT 13<br />

    UNIT 14<br />

    UNIT 15<br />

    UNIT 16<br />

    UNIT 17<br />

    UNIT 18<br />

    UNIT 19<br />

    UNIT 20<br />

    UNIT 21<br />

    The indefinite article: a, an (belirsiz artikel)<br />

    Have / has got (sahiplik)<br />

    Apostrophe’s, genitive’s (iyelik bildirmek - …nın)<br />

    Indefinite pronouns (somebody, anybody, nobody) (belgisiz zamirler)<br />

    Reflexive pronouns (myself/yourself/themselves) etc. (dönüşlü zamirler)<br />

    Can, could and (be) able to (yetenek, olasilik)<br />

    Present simple (geniş zaman)<br />

    Present continuous tense (şimdiki zaman)<br />

    Going to future (yapılması önceden planlanmış gelecek eylemler için)<br />

    Modal verbs (modal yardımcı fiiler<br />

    Need/ Needn't ( ihtiyaci olmak)<br />

    Had better (tavsiye verirken)<br />

    Requests, offers, permission and invitations (rica /teklif /izin)<br />

    Sımple past tense and (to be) past (geçmiş zaman)<br />

    Used to (geçmişte alışkanlık)<br />

    Adjectives and adverbs (quick/quickly) (sıfatlar ve zarflar)<br />

    UNIT 22 Comparative adjectives (The Comparative Form) ( daha üstünlük )<br />

    UNIT 23<br />

    UNIT 24<br />

    UNIT 25<br />

    UNIT 26<br />

    UNIT 27<br />

    UNIT 28<br />

    UNIT 29<br />

    UNIT 30<br />

    UNIT 31<br />

    UNIT 32<br />

    UNIT 33<br />

    UNIT 34<br />

    UNIT 35<br />

    Comparative adjectives (The Equal Degree) ( eşit karşilaştirmalar)<br />

    Comparative adjectives (Superlative degree) (en üstün)<br />

    Too/either /neither/ so ( ben de, sen de, o da)<br />

    Past continuous tense (bitmiş şimdiki zaman)<br />

    Present perfect tense (yakin bir zamanda bitmiş zaman)<br />

    Present perfect tense ,with ever - never (ever- never ile kulanılması.)<br />

    Present perfect continuous tense (geçmişte başlamiş olan ve devam eden zaman)<br />

    Relative clauses - 1 (who/ which/ that) (ki onu, ki ona)<br />

    Relative clauses - 2 (when/ where/ why)<br />

    Relative clauses - 3 (whose/whom)<br />

    Past perfect tense (di’li geçmiş zaman)<br />

    Past perfect continuous tense (geçmişte başlayip, belirli bir zamana kadar devam etmiş)<br />

    How long......? (ne sıklıkta?)<br />


    UNIT 36<br />

    UNIT 37<br />

    UNIT 38<br />

    UNIT 39<br />

    UNIT 40<br />

    UNIT 41<br />

    UNIT 42<br />

    UNIT 43<br />

    Since and for (o zaman boyunca)<br />

    Future tense (gelecek zaman)<br />

    Future perfect tense (gelecekte anılan zamanda tamamlanmış zaman)<br />

    Future continuous tense (gelecekte belirli bir zamanda devam edecek zaman)<br />

    Conditional clause (type-one) (koşul cümleleri-1)<br />

    Conditional clause (type-two) (koşul cümleleri-2)<br />

    Conditional clause (type-three) (koşul cümleleri-3)<br />

    Passive voice (edilgen cümle)<br />

    UNIT 44 Personal Passive (İki nesneli edilgen cümleler )<br />

    UNIT 45<br />

    UNIT 46<br />

    UNIT 47<br />

    UNIT 48<br />

    UNIT 49<br />

    UNIT 50<br />

    UNIT 51<br />

    UNIT 52<br />

    I wish, If only ( keşke)<br />

    Reported speech - Statements.- İmperrative (dolaylı cümleler-olumlu olumsuz,emir olarak)<br />

    Reported speech –Say-tell (say-tell arasındaki fark)<br />

    Reported speech -Questions (soru cümleleri)<br />

    Gerunds and Infinitives (İsim fiiiller ve mastarlar)<br />

    Phrasal verbs in English (birden fazla sözcükten oluşan anlamlı kelimeler)<br />

    Causative verbs (ettirgenlik)<br />

    Tag questions (pekiştirme soruları)<br />

    UNIT 53 Coordinating conjunction (koordine eden bağlaçlar)<br />

    UNIT 54 WH Questions (Wh - soru kelimeleri)<br />

    UNIT 55<br />

    UNIT 56<br />

    UNIT 57<br />

    UNIT 58<br />

    UNIT 59<br />

    UNIT 60<br />

    UNİT 61<br />

    UNIT 62<br />

    UNIT 63<br />

    Purpose clauses (amaç cümlecikleri)<br />

    Short answers (kısa cevaplar)<br />

    Countable and Uncountable nouns (sayılabilen-sayılamayan isimler)<br />

    Singular and plural (tekil-çoğul)<br />

    Quantifiers - much, many, a lot, plenty (miktar belirleyicileri)<br />

    Telling time (zamanı anlatmak ve tarih vermek)<br />

    Prepositions of place -In, at, on (yer kavramlarını ifade etmek için)<br />

    Most important prepositions (en önemli edatlar)<br />

    Cardinal, ordinal number (sayma ve sira sayilari)<br />

    List of irregular verbs (düzensiz fiiller listesi)<br />

    Turkish –English Dictionary (Türkçe – İngilizce sözlük)<br />


    UNIT 1 “To be”<br />

    (olmak)<br />

    TO BE<br />

    (am- is-are)<br />

    (Şimdiki Zaman Şekli)<br />

    I am very hungry today<br />


    LİRTMEK İSTEDİĞIMIZDE kullanacağımız temel fiildir. To be cümleleri kesinlikle EYLEM CÜMLESİ<br />

    DEĞİLDİRLER.İçinde hareket, ivme içeren hiçbir yapıyı anlatamazlar.<br />

    To Be Kisa şekil Örnek cümle<br />

    I am I'm I'm from New ealand.<br />

    You are You're You're Chilean.<br />

    He is He's He's twenty years old.<br />

    She is She's She's a nurse.<br />

    It is It's It's a big dog.<br />

    We are We're We're intelligent.<br />

    You are You're You're students.<br />

    They are They're They're married.<br />

    Şahıs Zamiri To Be Örnek cümle<br />

    I am not I am not from Spain.<br />

    You are not You are not Australian.<br />

    He is not He is not thirty years old.<br />

    She is not She is not a secretary.<br />

    It is not It is not a small cat.<br />

    We are not We are not stupid.<br />

    You are not You are not teachers.<br />

    They are not They are not single.<br />

    I am a doctor. ( Ben bir doktorum.) You are a doctor. (Sen bir doktorsun.)<br />

    He is a doctor. (O bir doktordur.) He is ill. (O hastadır.)<br />

    She is my sister. (O benim kız kardeşim.) His shoes are dirty. (Onun ayakkabıları kirli.)<br />

    Tom is tired. (Tom yorgun.) Shops are closed. (Mağazalar kapalı.)<br />

    Jane is at home. (Jane evde.) I am 21years old. (Ben 21 yaşındayım.)<br />

    The movie is wonderful. (Film harika.) Karen’s eyes are green. (Karen’in gözleri yeşil.)<br />

    It is Linda’s bag. (O linda’ın çantası.) They are in the kitchen. (Onlar mutfaktalar.)<br />


    Soru Şekli Kısa Cevap Kısa Cevap<br />

    Am I intelligent? Yes, you are. No, you aren't.<br />

    Are you a student? Yes, I am. No, I am not.<br />

    Is he a pilot? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.<br />

    Is she from Spain? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.<br />

    Is it a big house? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.<br />

    Are we ready? Yes, we are. No, we aren't.<br />

    Are you doctors? Yes, we are. No, we aren't.<br />

    Are they rich? Yes, they are. No, they aren't.<br />

    Is the bicycle expensive? (Bisiklet pahalı mı?) Are the children at home? (Çocuklar evde mi?)<br />

    Aren’t you a student? (Sen öğrenci değil misin?) Isn’t the box empty? (Kutu boş değil mi?)<br />

    Aren’t they in Ankara? (Onlar Ankara’da değil mi?) Yes, they are. (Evet, Ankara’dalar.)<br />

    TO BE - PAST (was-were)<br />

    (Geçmiş Zaman olarak)<br />

    There was a cat under the tree yesterday.<br />

    İngilizce was-were, TO BE FİİLİNİN GEÇMIŞ ZAMANDAKİ KARŞILIĞIDIR. am-is-are yardımcı fiillerinin<br />

    GEÇMİŞ ZAMAN halleridir.<br />

    TO BE- PAST<br />

    Affirmative (OLUMLU ŞEKLİ)<br />

    Şahıs Zamiri To Be Örnek Cümle<br />

    I was I was tired this morning.<br />

    You were You were very good.<br />

    He was He was the best in his class.<br />

    She was She was late for work.<br />


    It was It was a sunny day.<br />

    We were We were at home.<br />

    They were They were happy with their test resul<br />

    TO BE- PAST<br />

    Negative (OLUMSUZ ŞEKLİ)<br />

    Şahıs Zamiri To Be Örnek Cümle<br />

    I was not I was not tired this morning.<br />

    You were not You were not crazy.<br />

    He was not He was not married.<br />

    She was not She was not famous.<br />

    It was not It was not hot yesterday.<br />

    We were not We were not invited.<br />

    They were not They were not friends.<br />

    I am a doctor. (Ben bir doktorum.) (GENİŞ ZAMAN ve şimdiki zamanı kapsar)<br />

    I was a doctor. (Ben bir doktordum). (GEÇMİŞ ZAMANI kapsar.)<br />

    They are at home. (Onlar evde.) (Geniş zaman ve şimdiki zamanı kapsar)<br />

    They were at home. (Onlar evdeydiler.) (Geçmiş zamanı kapsar.)<br />

    There was a letter for you this morning.<br />

    (Bu sabah size bir mektup vardı.)<br />

    There was some important news on the radio.<br />

    (Radyoda önemli birkaç haber vardı.)<br />

    Jack lost his job yesterday. He was angry.<br />

    (Jack dün işini kaybetti. Kızgındı.)<br />

    TO BE- PAST<br />

    Questions (SORU ŞEKLİ)<br />

    Affirmative<br />

    I was late<br />

    You were sick.<br />

    He was surprised.<br />

    She was from Italy.<br />

    It was a big house.<br />

    We were ready.<br />

    They were busy.<br />

    Örnek Cümle<br />

    Was I late?<br />

    Were you sick?<br />

    Was he surprised?<br />

    Was she from Italy?<br />

    Was it a big house?<br />

    Were we ready?<br />

    Were they busy?<br />

    Was Maria at the college last year?<br />

    Who was at the college last year?<br />

    Was Orwell in India two years ago?<br />

    (Maria geçen sene kolejde miydi?)<br />

    (Geçen sene kim kolejdeydi?)<br />

    (Orwell iki sene önce Hindistan’da mıydı?)<br />


    English exercise "To be present and past"<br />

    My parents are not at home.<br />

    Are you a teacher?<br />

    Were you alone or with your wife?<br />

    You were very angry.<br />

    Where was Matt at ten o'clock?<br />

    What was the weather like at midnight?<br />

    Was Loren good at school? She was so-so.<br />

    Where is the bank?<br />

    Who is this girL?<br />

    We were angry not to meet them.<br />

    They were very late.<br />

    Were there a lot of people in the snack bar?<br />

    Was Matt in his cabin?<br />

    Was Margaret good at school? No, she wasn't.<br />

    1-1 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verb” to be Past”<br />

    1. She is thirty now, so last year she was twenty-nine. 2. ......................it a good film?<br />

    3. I got married when I.............. twenty-seven. 4. It was a great day, but we............ so tired.<br />

    5. I didn't buy those jeans because they ... too expensive 6. When I.................... a child we lived in Rome.<br />

    7. Where ..................... you yesterday afternoon? 8. ...........the weather good while we were away?<br />

    9. They...................... so naughty as kids. 10. Why...................... he so angry?<br />

    11. Where .............Matt at ten o'clock? 12. ........... there a lot of people in the snack bar?<br />

    13. What ........... the weather like at midnight? 14................. Matt in his cabin?<br />

    15................Matt hungry in the morning?<br />

    16. What...............Matt's problem?<br />

    17. ............. Sean's parents at Cork? 18. Why........... They in Cork?<br />

    19. He.......... at home yesterday 20. They.............. at home yesterday<br />

    1.2- Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verb” 'to be present”<br />

    1. I. am saving up to buy a car. 2. She...............sleeping in the armchair.<br />

    3. We .......... good at English. 4. Mrs Denis ......... very keen on the cinema.<br />

    5. You.......... a cousin by marriage. 6. They.......... very tired this morning.<br />

    7. Clement and John .......... in the kitchen. 8. My phone number......... two one nine six five six one.<br />

    9. My credit card .........blocked, I don't know why! 10. I.........living at Morisson's.<br />

    11. This teacher ........an English one. 12. I..........very tired today.<br />

    13. We........... so happy to see you! 14. It..... ten o'clock and I've to go.<br />

    15. My friends............. on holiday. 16. My parents.......... very old now.<br />

    17. My best buddy............ always late. 18. Peter .........not at school today.<br />

    19. I............ sixteen and it is my birthday. 20. We ......... better than them.<br />

    1.3 - Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verb” 'to be present” or to be Past”<br />

    1. Last year, she was 22, so she is 23 now.<br />

    2. Today the weather........ nice, but yesterday it was cold.<br />

    3. I.......... hungry last night, so I had something to eat.<br />


    4. Where .......... you at 11 o'clock last Friday morning?<br />

    5. Don't buy those shoes. They.......... too expensive.<br />

    6. I..........hungry. Can I have something to eat?<br />

    7. Why........... were you so angry yesterday?<br />

    8. We must go now. It....... is very late.<br />

    9. This time last year I ....... in Paris.<br />

    10. We....... tired when we arrived home, so we went to bed.<br />

    11. Charlie Chaplin died in 1978. He ...... a famous film star.<br />

    12. Where....... the children? I don't know. They must be in the garden<br />

    1.4 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of to be Past<br />

    1. Where are you? Where were you?<br />

    2. She is tired.............................................................................................................................<br />

    3. What is she doing? .................................................................................................................<br />

    4. Why is he leaving? ...............................................................................................................<br />

    5. John is going to Paris. .........................................................................................................<br />

    6. Why is Tom happy today? ...................................................................................................<br />

    7. Tomorrow, it will be Saturday................................................................................................<br />

    8. They are looking for Ashley. .................................................................................................<br />

    9. He's not nice. ........................................................................................................................<br />

    10. Peter and Sarah are very nice, aren't they? ............................................................................<br />


    UNIT 2 Subject and Object pronouns<br />

    (Şahıs Zamirleri )<br />

    (Nesne zamirleri)<br />

    İngilizce’de ilk olarak öğrenilmesi gereken temel kelimeler zamirlerdir. Bu kelimeler Türkçede olduğu gibi<br />

    İSİMLERİN YERİNE KULLANILIR ve "zamir" diye adlandırılır.<br />

    PRONOUNS<br />

    (toplu olarak)<br />

    Subject<br />

    Object<br />

    Possessive<br />

    Possessive<br />

    Reflexive<br />

    Pronouns<br />

    Pronouns<br />

    adjective<br />

    pronoun<br />

    Pronouns<br />

    I me my mine myself<br />

    you you your yours yourself<br />

    he him his his himself<br />

    she her her hers herself<br />

    it it its its itself<br />

    we us our ours ourselves<br />

    you you your yours yourselves<br />

    they them their theirs themselves<br />

    Subject and Object pronouns<br />

    We have some books. The books are for us<br />

    SUBJECT PRONOUNS (Şahıs Zamirleri ) OBJECT PRONOUNS (Nesne zamirleri)<br />

    I Ben me Beni, bana<br />

    you Sen you Seni, sana, sizi, size<br />

    singular<br />

    he O (erkek) him Onu, ona (erkek)<br />

    she O (bayan) her Onu, ona (dişi)<br />

    it O (cansız) it Onu, ona (cansız)<br />

    we Biz us Bizi, bize<br />

    plural<br />

    you Siz you Sizi, size<br />

    they Onlar them Onları, onlara<br />


    I am a doctor. (Ben doktorum.)<br />

    I live in İstabul. (İstanbul’da oturuyorum.)<br />

    You are lazy students.(Sizler tembel öğrencilersiniz.)<br />

    He is rich. (O (erkek biri) zeng<strong>indir</strong>.)<br />

    It is a big house. (O ( cansız varlık) büyük bir ev.)<br />

    I love you. (Seni seviyorum.)<br />

    You are a lazy student (sen tembel bir öğrencisin.)<br />

    You sleep a lot. (Sen çok uyuyorsun.)<br />

    He plays football (O (erkek biri) futbol oynar.)<br />

    We are workers (Biz işçiyiz)<br />

    (şahis zamirleri )<br />

    (nesne zamirleri)<br />

    I know Sue (Sue’yu tanıyorum) Sue knows me (Sue beni tanır)<br />

    You know Sue (Sue’yu tanıyorsun) Sue knows you (Sue seni tanır)<br />

    He knows Sue (O Sue’yu tanır) Sue knows him (Sue onu tanır)<br />

    She knows Sue (O Sue’yu tanır) Sue knows her (Sue onu tanır)<br />

    We know Sue (Sue’yu tanırız) Sue knows us (Sue bizi tanır)<br />

    They know Sue (Sue’yu tanırlar) Sue knows them (Sue onları tanır)<br />

    Steve kicked the ball to me.<br />

    Douglas wants to talk to you.<br />

    Liz doesn’t like him.<br />

    John kissed her.<br />

    Give it to me please!<br />

    The politician lied to us<br />

    Mary didn’t invite them.<br />

    (Steve topu bana çekti.)<br />

    (Douglas seninle konuşmak istiyor.)<br />

    (Liz onu sevmez.)<br />

    (John onu öptü.)<br />

    (Lütfen, onu bana ver!)<br />

    (Politikacı bize yalan söyledi.)<br />

    (Mary onları davet etmedi.)<br />

    Exercise "object pronouns- subject pronouns”<br />

    Heather is my friend. Do you know her?<br />

    They don't like fish. What about you, Henry?<br />

    Do you want some coffee? No, I don't like it. Listen to me! I have something to tell you.<br />

    Where are my gloves? Can you see them? Do you like cats? I love them.<br />

    Dan likes Peter but Vicky hates him.<br />

    Jimmy is bad at physics. I'm very good at it.<br />

    Don't ask me. I don't know.<br />

    John! Where are you? I can't see you.<br />

    Look at this woman ! She is my aunt Sanaa. He's Amanda's father.<br />

    My mum loves my brother and me. She loves us.<br />

    My friends live in the Netherlands but they speak English very well.<br />

    My husband and I went to Amsterdam last summer. We both think it's a wonderful city.<br />

    2.1 Fill in the blank with the “Subject pronouns and Object pronouns”<br />

    1. I can't find my ticket. I think I must have lost it<br />

    2. My grandparents live in Dublin. They often come and see .............<br />

    3. Where is Jenny? Have you seen .............. today?<br />


    4. I saw them at the restaurant ................ were having lunch.<br />

    5. Both my sister and ............. would love to visit New York one day.<br />

    6. I don't think the shop is open. .............. usually closes at 6.00.<br />

    7. I have to go. If anyone phones, please tell ...........I'm out.<br />

    8. Neither my sister nor ........... have been to New York.<br />

    9. Can you remind ............ to buy some tea when we go out?<br />

    10. Paul is on holiday. I received a letter from ........... Yesterday.<br />

    11. Jenny, there's someone on the phone for you! 'What do ........ want?'<br />

    12. He and I were right, but no one believed ............<br />

    2.2 Fill in the blank with the "Object pronouns"<br />

    1. Paul is my best friend. He always helps me with my homework.<br />

    2. Although Tony is my brother, I never play football with .........<br />

    3. We go to the club every Saturday. Do you want to join.........?<br />

    4. Anna and Meg are my sisters. I always take ........... to the zoo on Sundays.<br />

    5. I have a writing machine but I never use ............ because it's very old.<br />

    6. Mary is my cousin. I always see ............... on Wednesdays.<br />

    7. Do you need a book? I can lend ........... my book. Here it is.<br />

    8. My boyfriend is living in Los Angeles now. I miss ........... a lot.<br />

    9. Are you hungry? I can make some sandwiches for .......... now.<br />

    10. I don't want to be late. Can you lend ........... your car, please?<br />

    2.3 Fill in the blanks with Object pronouns as shown in example<br />

    1. I see (Paul) on the bus every day him 2. Alain usually sits near (Pauline and Jean).........<br />

    3. This house belongs to (my brother and me)........ 4. Do you understand (the exercise?)...............<br />

    5. I write to (my parents) every month................ 6. Lise is waiting for (you and Sylvain.)..........<br />

    7. Denise likes (chocolate) a lot.............. 8. Serge is very fond of (Julie)..............<br />

    9. Put (your coat) on your chair.............<br />


    UNIT 3 Possessive adjectives<br />

    (İyelik sıfatları )<br />


    The house belongs to us<br />

    İngilizce possessive adjectives konusu, Türkçe İyelik sıfatları - İyelik eki konusuna karşılık gelir. SAHİP<br />

    OLMA DURUMLARINI BELİRTMEDE KULLANILIRLAR. İsimlerden önce kullanılırlar.<br />

    Personal pronouns<br />

    (şahıs zamirleri )<br />

    Possessive adjectives<br />

    (iyelik sifatlari)<br />

    I my benim<br />

    you your senin<br />

    he his onun<br />

    she her onun<br />

    it its onun<br />

    we our bizim<br />

    you your senin<br />

    they their onların<br />

    This is my book<br />

    (Bu benim kitabımdır)<br />

    This is your pencil<br />

    (Bu senin kurşun kalem<strong>indir</strong>)<br />

    His father is a rich man<br />

    (Onun babası zengin bir adamdır)<br />

    Her husband is a doctor<br />

    (Onun kocası bir doktordur)<br />

    Our teacher is a polite man<br />

    (Öğretmenimiz kibar bir adamdır)<br />

    Your children are very naughty<br />

    (Sizin çocuklarınız çok yaramazlar)<br />

    Their dog is very aggressive<br />

    (Onların köpeği çok agrasiftir)<br />

    "my, your, her, his, its, our, their" tekil ya da çoğul kullanımlarda değişime uğramadan aynen kalır.<br />

    Here's my book.<br />

    Here are my books.<br />

    Alison is doing her homework.<br />

    Do you live with your parents?<br />

    Our teacher is good.<br />

    Our teachers are good<br />

    My book is blue.<br />

    My books are blue<br />

    We love our new house.<br />

    The children are with their grandmother.<br />


    Exercise "possessive adjectives"<br />

    Where's Lucia? - Is she in her room?<br />

    We’ve got a problem.- It's our problem.<br />

    I've got a dog outside. - It's my dog.<br />

    He has forgotten his book at home.<br />

    They remember their childhood.<br />

    Do you know Jim? I have bought his car.<br />

    That's Jane. What’s her job?<br />

    Men's clothes are on the third floor.<br />

    Peter and John's mother is a teacher.<br />

    It's Mr. Young's key. - It's his key.<br />

    Stephan has got a problem.- It's his problem.<br />

    Tell me. Is this your raincoat?<br />

    We have lost our way.<br />

    She does her best to learn French.<br />

    John and I ride our bikes.<br />

    That's Mrs Jones. What’s her job?<br />

    Peter's motorcycle<br />

    That's my dog in the picture.<br />

    3.1 Fill in the blank with “ Possessive adjectives”<br />

    1. I am in my room now doing my homework.<br />

    2. Sonia is in the garden with ....................... friends.<br />

    3. The dog and the cat are having ............................. milk.<br />

    4. We love ......................... pets very much.<br />

    5. Here's my key, where’s ................... key Dad?<br />

    6. Tom and...................... sister Monika are twins.<br />

    7. Mrs Holmes is a doctor however ..................... husband is a teacher.<br />

    8. They love ................... children very much.<br />

    9. Minnie is my cat. It’s little and brown but ................... eyes are green.<br />

    10. 'You're just like ................. Father! Don't be so selfish!'<br />

    3.2 Fill in the blank with “Possessive adjectives”<br />

    1. This is Tom. Look at his dog 2. I am Maria. Meet ............. family<br />

    3. That is Ann. This is .............. cat. 4. We are sisters. This is ................ dog.<br />

    5. They are friends. Look at .......... balloons. 6. My name is Efi. That is ........... brother<br />

    7. She is a woman .......... name is Maria. 8. They are boys. .......... names are Ben and Tom.<br />

    9. This is a cat ............. name is Bo. 10. We are Anna and Georgina. This is ......... house<br />

    3.3 Fill in the blank with “ Possessive adjectives”<br />

    1. The pen belongs to Mr. Grant. It's his pen.<br />

    2. The book belongs to Mary. It's ............... book.<br />

    3. The suits belong to the boys. They're ................ suits.<br />

    4. The house belongs to us. It's ............. house.<br />

    5. The eraser belongs to Fred. It's ............ eraser.<br />

    6. Those shoes belong to the children. They're ............ shoes.<br />

    7. The hat belongs to you. It's ............. hat.<br />


    8. The hats belong to you. They're ............... hats.<br />

    9. The notebook belongs to me. It's ................notebook.<br />

    10. This pen belongs to Mrs. Williams. It's ............. pen.<br />

    3.4 Fill in the blank with “ Possessive adjectives”<br />

    1. This is Peter, his favourite food is fish.<br />

    2. James has lost ....... ring. He can't find it anywhere.<br />

    3. ............. name is Susan. She is a very nice girl.<br />

    4. ....... name is Albert. I don't like him very much.<br />

    5. These girls are Amanda and ......... friend Jane.<br />

    6. Ian has got a dog. This is ........... dog.<br />

    7. .......... name is Anne. She lives in London.<br />

    8. My granny has got a laptop. This one is ........ Laptop.<br />

    9. Rachel has got a new car. This is ........... car.<br />

    10. This is Paul, ......... camera is fantastic.<br />

    3.5 Fill in the blank with “ Possessive adjectives”<br />

    1. I have not understood ; can you spell your name again please ?<br />

    2. Shall we ask dad if we can borrow ............. car?<br />

    3. Did she show you ................. stamp collection ?<br />

    4. Do you mind if I take one of .......... cigars?<br />

    5. She is very nice but ........... brother is a bit strange.<br />

    6. Ask ........... father about it, he will probably tell you.<br />

    7. We both love ............ house more than anything else, and we feel happy at home.<br />

    8. What is ............ favourite sport? I like playing golf.<br />

    9. What is .......... address? .....She lives 54 Stanhope Road.<br />

    10. May I introduce you to ........ cousins Sean and Dean?<br />


    UNIT 4 Possessive pronouns<br />

    (iyelik zamirleri)<br />

    Possessive pronouns<br />

    It's His book. It's his<br />

    İYELİK ZAMİRLERİ de aynı şekilde, BİR ŞEYİN KİME AİT OLDUĞUNU ANLATIR ama tek başlarına kullanılırlar.<br />

    Özne ve nesne olabilirler.<br />

    possessive pronouns<br />

    (iyelik zamirleri)<br />

    örnek cümleler<br />

    mine benimki This is my car, it's mine (O benimkidir)<br />

    yours seninki This is your car, it's yours (O seninkidir)<br />

    his onunki (erkek) This is his car, it's his (O, onunkidir)<br />

    hers onunki (bayan) This is her car, it's hers (O, onunkidir)<br />

    its onunki (hayvan ve cansız) This is it's cottage (O, onunkidir)<br />

    ours bizimki This is our car, it's ours (O, bizimkidir)<br />

    theirs onlarınki This is their car, it's theirs (O, onlarınkidir)<br />

    Is this pen mine or yours?<br />

    It is our problem. Not theirs.<br />

    Are those girls friends of yours?<br />

    This is my car. (Bu benim arabamdır.)<br />

    This is your book. (Bu senin kitabındır.)<br />

    This is our house. (Bu bizim evimizdir.)<br />

    (Bu kalem benimki mi, seninki mi?)<br />

    (Bu bizim problemimiz. Onların değil.)<br />

    (Şu kızlar sizin arkadaşınız mı?)<br />

    This is mine. (Bu benimkidir.)<br />

    This is yours. (Bu seninkidir.)<br />

    This is ours. (Bu bizimkidir.)<br />

    Exercise "possessive pronouns"<br />

    I looked everywhere for your key. I found John's key but I couldn't find yours.<br />

    My flowers are dying. Yours are lovely<br />

    All the essays were good but his was the best.<br />

    John found his passport but Mary couldn't find hers.<br />

    John found his clothes but Mary couldn't find hers.<br />

    Here is your car. Ours is over there, where we left it.<br />

    Your photos are good. Ours are terrible.<br />

    I don't like this family's garden but I like yours.<br />


    4.1 Fill in each blank with the “possessive pronoun “<br />

    1. This is her office. This is hers 2 .That is my pen. It is...............<br />

    3. These CDs belong to me. They are ..........4. Is this your hat? Is it..................?<br />

    5. That is my cat. That is ................ 6. This is your pencil. This is ...................<br />

    7. This is her present. This is ................. 8. This is our house. This house is ..............<br />

    9. That book belongs to me. It is ........... 10. This chair belongs to my mum. This chair is........<br />

    4.2 Complete the sentences with the “Possessive pronoun”<br />

    1. It is Jane's car. It’s hers<br />

    2. It isn't my book .................. is in my bedroom.<br />

    3. Oh no! I have forgotten my book. Can you lend me ...............?<br />

    4. I met Ken yesterday. My bicycle is more beautiful than ...............<br />

    5. I like my job but Lucy doesn't like ....................<br />

    6. Whose pen is it? David, is it ....................?<br />

    7. No, it isn't ................... it must be Jenny's.<br />

    8. Mary went to the cinema with her children last Sunday. We visited a museum with .............<br />

    9. This house isn't the Smiths ................. is in Market Street.<br />

    10. It isn't Mary's birthday today ............... is on February 10th.<br />

    11. Mark's car is not red. ............. is blue.<br />

    12. The Biggs haven't got an old car ................ is new.<br />


    UNIT 5 Definite article “the”<br />

    (belirlilik tanıtıcısı)<br />

    DEFINITE ARTICLE: THE (Belirli artikel)<br />

    The house we've just visited is the most expensive one.<br />

    İngilizcede “The”, Definite article belirlilik tanıtıcısı’dır. Belirlilik ifade eder. DAHA ÖNCE BAHSEDİLMİŞ<br />

    BİR ŞEYDEN BAHSEDERKEN KULLANILIR. Yani bir kelimenin başına “the” tanıtıcısı gelmesi için, o kelimenin,<br />

    söyleyen ve dinleyen tarafından BİLİNEN BİRŞEY OLMASI GEREKİR.<br />

    Where is the book?<br />

    (Kitap nerededir?)<br />

    Diye sorulduğu zaman soranın ve dinleyenin BİLDİĞİ BİR KİTAP vardır.<br />

    The book is on the table.<br />

    (Kitap masanın üzerindedir.)<br />

    Şeklinde bir cevap verilirse BILINEN BIR KITAPTAN bahsedildiği anlaşılır.<br />

    The player is very good.<br />

    (Oyuncu çok iyi.)<br />

    Did you clean the car?<br />

    (Arabayı temizledin mi?)<br />

    There's a man at the door. He wants to see you. (Kapıda bir adam var. Seni görmek istiyor.)<br />

    The apple you ate was rotten.<br />

    (Yediğin elma çürüktü.)<br />

    "Did you lock the car?"<br />

    (Arabayı kilitledin mi?)<br />

    Does the artist live near here?<br />

    (Sanatkâr buralarda mı yaşıyor?)<br />

    "She's got two children; a girl and a boy. The girl's eight and the boy's five."<br />

    (Onun iki çocuğu var; bir kız ve bir oğlan. Kız sekiz ve oğlan beş yaşındadır.)<br />


    DEFINITE ARTICLE Superlative (en üstünlük karşılaş.) yapı ile kullanıldığı zaman sıfattan önce gelir;<br />

    He is the tallest boy in our class.<br />

    DEFINITE ARTICLE Ulus isimlerini the ile kullanarak, bütün bir ulusu ifade eden çoğul bir anlam verebiliriz.<br />

    The Japanese are very industrious people.<br />

    DEFINITE ARTICLE East, west, north gibi yön bildiren sözcüklerle bölgeleri belirtirken the kullanılır.<br />

    the Middle East, the Far East, the east of Turkey<br />

    DEFINITE ARTICLE Okyanus, kanal, deniz, nehir İsimleri ile kullanılır.<br />


    the Black Sea, the Mississippi, the Nile , the Pacific Ocean<br />

    DEFINITE ARTICLE Takım adalar, dağlar çoğul bir isimle kullanıldıklarında the alırlar.<br />

    the Canary Islands, the Andes, the Alps, the Thames<br />

    DEFINITE ARTICLE The + adjective bir insan sınıfını ifade eder.<br />

    the old people in general<br />

    DEFINITE ARTICLE Ülkelerin çok azında ve birlik isimlerinde kullanılır.<br />

    the Philippines, The Netherlands, The Sudan<br />

    DEFINITE ARTICLE Tek olan şeylerden ve müzik aletlerinden söz ederken;<br />

    the sun the moon the earth the sky the trumpet the piano the guitar<br />

    DEFINITE ARTICLE Sayılabilir tekil bir ismi the ile bütün bir türü ifade edecek bir şekilde kullanabiliriz;<br />

    the monkey likes bonona,<br />

    DEFINITE ARTICLE Tren, uçak, gemi ve benzerlerinin isimleri ve tarihi olaylarda;<br />

    the Concorde the Titanic the Ascension<br />

    DEFINITE ARTICLE The +çoğul soyad, ‘ailesi’ demek için kullanılır.<br />

    The Browns came = Mr and Mrs Brown (and children) came.<br />

    Exercise " definite articles"<br />

    It's a beautiful day. Let's sit in the garden.<br />

    I like living in this house but it's a pity that the garden is so small.<br />

    We had dinner in the most expensive restaurant in town.<br />

    What's the name of that man we met yesterday?<br />

    We stayed at a very nice hotel - I can't remember the name now.<br />

    Our plane was delayed. We had to wait at the airport for three hours.<br />

    Excuse me, please. Can you tell me how to get to the airport?<br />

    Are you going away next week? ‘No, the week after next.'<br />

    5.1 Fill in the blanks with “ the” or leave them empty<br />

    ............. Rick is one of ............. ___ Smiths who live on our street.<br />

    Rick is one of the Smiths who live on our street.<br />

    1 ............. Hawaiian Islands are in the middle of ............ Pacific Ocean.<br />

    2 ............. Salt Lake City is the capital of Utah.<br />

    3 .............. London lies on ............. Thames River.<br />

    4. ............. Suez Canal connects ............. Mediterranean Sea with Red Sea.<br />

    5. ............. Lake Huron and ............ Lake Erie are two of ____ Great Lakes.<br />

    6. ............. Calcutta lies north of ............. Bay of Bengal.<br />

    7. ............. North Sea separates British Isles from ............ Norway and ____ Denmark.<br />

    8. ............. Bay of Biscay lies to the west of ............. France.<br />

    9. ............. Orkney Islands are in the north of ............. Scotland.<br />


    10 ............. Anticosti Island lies in ........... Gulf of St. Lawrence.<br />

    11. Part of ............. Sahara Desert lies in ............ Algeria.<br />

    12. ............ Gerry, one of ____ Johnsons, lives on ........... Belleview Street.<br />

    13. ............. Mount Kilimanjaro is south-east of ............. Lake Victoria.<br />

    14. ............. Vancouver Island lies off the west coast of ............. Canada.<br />

    15. ............. Serengeti National Park lies in ............. Tanzania.<br />

    5.2 Fill in the blanks with “ the” or leave them empty<br />

    1. My favourite sport is -------- basketball.<br />

    2. Mind ! your sister is afraid of ......... mice.<br />

    3. The test was very easy. I answered all .......... questions without any help.<br />

    4. Tom always tells ....... truth. He never tells lies.<br />

    5. You need ........ patience to teach today's teenagers.<br />

    6. She plays ....... violin quite well.<br />

    7. ....... Doctor Johns lives in our street.<br />

    8. He is ....... biggest idiot in the world!<br />

    9. Is ........ China the largest country in the world?<br />

    10. I prefer .......... wine to whisky.<br />

    11. I really don't like ......... meal she is cooking.<br />

    12. Simon is studying German at ....... University of Berlin.<br />

    13. ....... water is often polluted.<br />

    14. I love ..... English tea.<br />

    15. My brother arrived ....... last week.<br />


    UNIT 6 Indefinite article “a / an”<br />

    (belirsizlik tanıcısı)<br />

    İNDEFINITE ARTICLE: a / an (Belirsiz artikel)<br />

    Jane doesn't feel very well this morning. He has got a headache.<br />

    "A" ve "an" tanımlayıcıları BELİRGİN OLMAYAN İSİMLERDEN ÖNCE KULLANILIR. İletişim içinde olduğunuz<br />

    nesne ile ilgili özel olarak bilmediğiniz bir bilgiye işaret eder. Türkçede “Bir” (1) anlamına gelirler.<br />

    İsimler sessiz bir harf ile başlıyorsa önüne (a), sesli bir harf ile başlıyorsa (an) getirilir.<br />

    a pencil (bir kalem) a book (bir kitap) a teacher (bir öğretmen)<br />

    an apple (bir elma) an engineer (bir mühendis) an inspector (bir müfettiş)<br />

    a house (bir ev)<br />

    an animal (bir hayvan)<br />

    Give me a book.<br />

    (Bana bir kitap ver.)<br />

    Give me the book.<br />

    (Bana <strong>kitabi</strong> ver.)<br />

    Can you open a window?<br />

    (Bir cam açar mısın?)<br />

    Can you open the window? (Camı açar mısın?)<br />

    Can I have an orange juice? (Portakal suyu alabilir miyim.)<br />

    “a. an “ nın kullanıldığı özel durumlar<br />

    INDEFINITE ARTICLE insanların mesleği, dini, görüşü veya ırkından bahsederken;<br />

    Ali is a student. John is an English.<br />

    INDEFINITE ARTICLE Bir şeyden veya söyleyenin tanımadığı belli bir insandan bahsederken;<br />

    A stranger is sitting in the cafe.<br />

    INDEFINITE ARTICLE Bir şeyin, bir kimsenin ne olduğu, niteliği anlatılırken, tanımı yapılırken;<br />

    A bird is an animal that /lies. Nevzat is a clever person.<br />

    INDEFINITE ARTICLE Ücret, hız, oran ifadelerinde;<br />

    four times a day, two kilometres an hour<br />

    INDEFINITE ARTICLE Ünlem ifadelerinde, sayılabilir isimlerden önce;<br />

    What a nice baby! What a crazy boy!<br />

    INDEFINITE ARTICLE Bazı sayıların önünde;<br />

    a lot of- a couple of<br />


    INDEFINITE ARTICLE Hastalıklarla ilgili bazı ifadelerde;<br />

    He caught a cold. I have a headache.<br />

    Exercise " Indefinite article “<br />

    He met a nice girl yesterday.<br />

    They went to the zoo and saw an elephant.<br />

    She heard an awful thing about that film.<br />

    John is an honest boy.<br />

    He will go to a university in England.<br />

    She met a handsome young man at the party.<br />

    I read an interesting book yesterday.<br />

    She is a cute and quiet child.<br />

    I have to go now. My train leaves in an hour.<br />

    She hopes she will have a happy life with her boyfriend.<br />

    An elephant is a mammoth animal.<br />

    He is planning to go to a university which is quite close to his place.<br />

    Would you like to join me for a cup of tea at my humble bungalow?<br />

    6.1 Put in a/an or the in these sentences where necessary.<br />

    1. Would you like apple? an apple.<br />

    2. How often do you go to dentist? ...................................<br />

    3. Could you close door, please? .................................<br />

    4. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. It was mistake .......................<br />

    5. Excuse me, where is bus station, please? .............................<br />

    6. I've got problem. Can you help me? ......................<br />

    7. I'm just going to post office. I won't be long ..................................<br />

    8. There were no chairs, so we had to sit on floor. ....................<br />

    9. Have you finished with book I lent you? ...........................<br />

    10. My sister has just got job in bank in Manchester. ................<br />

    11. We live in small flat near city centre .........................<br />

    12. There's small supermarket at end of street I live in ...............<br />

    6.2 Fill in each blank with a, an or the..<br />

    .......... Moon is full tonight. The moon is full tonight.<br />

    He is ........ singer.<br />

    He is a singer.<br />

    Please sit in ........... centre of the boat. Please sit in the centre of the boat.<br />

    The room costs twenty dollars ...... day. The room costs twenty dollars a day.<br />

    1. His aunt is ................. teacher.<br />

    2. ........... architect is trained in design, drafting, and economics.<br />

    3. .................. ostrich is the world's largest bird.<br />

    4. Buses pass this point two or three times ........... hour.<br />

    5. Plants gain energy from the light of .............. sun.<br />


    6. I woke up in ........ middle of the night.<br />

    7. She is ........ doctor.<br />

    8. ......... seal is an excellent swimmer.<br />

    9. Our eyes usually blink several times .......... minute.<br />

    10. At .......... equator, sunrise occurs at the same time each day.<br />

    11. He is ............ author.<br />

    12. They wanted to hear ......... end of the story.<br />

    13. Such a severe storm occurs only once ....... decade.<br />

    14. Mount Everest is tallest mountain in .............. world.<br />

    15. There is an index at .......... back of the book.<br />

    6.3 Fill in the blanks with “the” or “a-an”<br />

    1. We are very surprised by the words he knows.<br />

    2. Will you take .......... picture of the church?<br />

    3. They have ............. loveliest garden I have ever seen.<br />

    4. It’s really ......... interesting piece of news, don't you think so?<br />

    5. That's ............ incredible story!<br />

    6. They were hidden in this village till ........... end of the war.<br />

    7. He gave me .......... excellent piece of advice.<br />

    8. I have emptied the content of the bottle in ............. sink.<br />

    9. We have ............ theatre and several cinemas in the town.<br />

    10. His father, ............ bank clerk, will be retired at the end of the year.<br />

    11. Mum was very happy because we put ............. end to this scandal.<br />

    12. Have you got ........... book about the Greek myths? Anyone will be all right.<br />

    13. All ............ sick passengers were well looked after.<br />

    14. Sorry, I can't give an objective opinion, I am not ........... musician.<br />

    15. We all believe in ......... freedom of the press in the country.<br />

    16. It was .......... interesting movie.<br />

    17. Excuse me. Have you got .......... time to help me?<br />

    18. Have ......... nice day.<br />

    19. Where did you put ......... book?<br />

    20. It's such nice weather that I think I'll go on ......... picnic in the park.<br />

    21. ….. apple a day keeps the doctor away.<br />

    22. Can you tell me ........ way to the supermarket, please?<br />

    23. ......... supermarket is closed today.<br />

    24. John is ........... teacher and works in one of the schools.<br />

    25. Betty is........ tallest girl in our class.<br />


    UNIT 7 Have / has got<br />

    (sahip olmak)<br />

    Have / has got<br />

    I have got a baby.<br />

    SAHİP OLMAK kavramı İngilizcede iki değişik şekilde ifade edilebilir. Değişik metinlerde farklı kullanımlara<br />

    rastlayabiliriz. Özellikle İngiltere’de kullanılan İngilizcede "have/has got" daha sık kullanılır.<br />

    I have got a car.<br />

    She has got two sisters.<br />

    We have got many pens.<br />

    I have got a sister.<br />

    I have a sister.<br />

    (Bir arabam var.)<br />

    (Onun iki kızkardeşi var veya o iki kızkardeşe sahiptir.)<br />

    (Bizim çok kalemimiz var veya biz çok kaleme sahibiz.)<br />

    (Bir kızkardeşim var.)<br />

    (Bir kızkardeşim var.)<br />

    Olumlu cümle<br />

    Olumsuz cümleler (iki türlü)<br />

    I have a brother. I haven't got a brother. I don't have a brother.<br />

    You have a sister. You haven't got a sister. You don't have a sister.<br />

    He has a cat. He has not got a cat. He doesn't have a cat.<br />

    She has a dog. She hasn't got a dog. She doesn't have a dog.<br />

    It has Bluetooth. It hasn't got Bluetooth. It doesn't have Bluetooth.<br />

    We have books. We haven't got books. We don't have books.<br />

    You have a nice room. You haven't got a nice room. You don't have a nice room.<br />

    They have pets. They haven't got pets. They don't have pets.<br />


    SORU cümleleri . (iki Türlü)<br />

    Do/does<br />

    Do I have time?<br />

    Do you have pets?<br />

    Does he have a computer?<br />

    Does she have a mobile phone?<br />

    Does it have mudguards?<br />

    Do we have ketchup?<br />

    Do you have a yellow car?<br />

    Do they have nice teachers?<br />

    Have/ has<br />

    Have I got time?<br />

    Have you got pets?<br />

    Has he got a computer?<br />

    Has she got a mobile phone?<br />

    Has it got mudguards?<br />

    Have we got ketchup?<br />

    Have you got a yellow car?<br />

    Have they got nice teachers?<br />

    Bob doesn't have breakfast on Saturdays because he gets up early to go fishing<br />

    "To Have" fiili GEÇMIŞ ZAMAN olarak kullanılmak istendiğinde, "had" şekline dönüşür.<br />

    Ayşe had a cat two years ago.<br />

    (İki sene önce Ayşe’nin bir kedisi vardı.)<br />

    Ali didn't have a car last year.<br />

    (Geçen sene Ali’nin bir arabası yoktu.)<br />

    I had many books when l was a student.<br />

    (Öğrenciyken benim birçok kitabım vardı.)<br />

    Did you have a blue dress last year?<br />

    (Geçen sene senin mavi bir elbisen var mıydı?)<br />

    No, l didn’t have a blue dress last year.<br />

    (Hayır, geçen sene benim mavi bir elbisem yoktu.)<br />

    Exercise " have /has”<br />

    We have got a red car.<br />

    Helen has got a sports bag.<br />

    Has Richard got his English book?<br />

    Have the boys got a dog?<br />

    She doesn’t have a pink skirt.<br />

    You don’t have a keyboard.<br />

    Does she have orange shoes?<br />

    Don’t they have any banana?<br />

    Have you got or do you have a toothache?<br />

    Have you got a brother?<br />

    I haven't got my workbook.<br />

    They have got itching powder.<br />

    Has she got a nephew?<br />

    Murat doesn’t have a bag.<br />

    Do you have a ticket?<br />

    Does it have a bone?<br />

    Doesn’t she have an armchair?<br />

    Did you have a bicycle when you were a child?<br />

    7.1 Write negative sentences with have. Some are present (can't) and some are past<br />

    (couldn't).<br />


    1. I can't make a phone call. (any change) I haven't got any change.<br />

    2. I couldn't read the notice. (my glasses) I didn't have my glasses.<br />

    3. I can't climb up onto the roof. (a ladder) I …………………………………………….……<br />

    4. We couldn't visit the museum. (enough time) We ………………………………………………<br />

    5. He couldn't find his way to our house. (a map) ……………………………………………..……<br />

    6. She can't pay her bills. (any money) ……………………………………………..……<br />

    7. They can't get into the house. (a key) ……………………………………………..……<br />

    8. I couldn't take any photographs. (a camera) ……………………………………………..……<br />

    7.2 Complete these with “have.–has –had”<br />

    1. Why are you holding your face like that? Have you got or Do you have a toothache?<br />

    2. ................ a bicycle when you were a child?<br />

    3. I don't eat much during the day. I never .............. lunch.<br />

    4. When you did the exam, .............. time to answer all the questions?<br />

    5. I met Ann in the supermarket yesterday. We stopped and ................ a chat.<br />

    6. .............. you got a pet?<br />

    7. How many books .......... you got?<br />

    8. My father ....... got a new red car.<br />

    9. They ....... got any CD by Madonna.<br />

    10. She ......... got any computer in her bedroom.<br />

    11. He......... got a dog.<br />

    12. I ........... got new friends in my city.<br />

    13. I .......... got any children.<br />

    14. ................ got six brothers and one sister.<br />

    15. He ............. a wart on the end of his nose!<br />

    16. When I was little, I .............. a red tricycle.<br />

    17. Michael .............. a fast car.<br />

    18. Johnny and Tony ............... ten years of experience in this field.<br />

    19. Sherry............ been with this firm for over ten years!<br />

    20. .......... you ever had plastic surgery done?<br />

    21. Have you ever ........... a nightmare about spiders?<br />

    22. She ........... had a terrible day!<br />

    23. She looked as if she .............. just seen a ghost walk by !<br />


    UNIT 8 Apostrophe, genitive -s<br />

    (Iyelik)<br />

    APOSTROPHE, GENITIVE –s (canli varliklar için)<br />

    This is Derek's horse.<br />

    İngilizcede iyelik bildirmek için apostrophe s ('s) ve "of kullanılır. GENELLİKLE “S" CANLI VARLIKLAR<br />


    Mr. Brown's Office. My sister's room The manager's opinion The cat's tail<br />

    Henry's apple is red.<br />

    My brother's hat is lost.<br />

    My uncle's horse is white.<br />

    This man's name is Paul.<br />

    What is your father's name?<br />

    Henry'nin elması kırmızıdır.<br />

    Kardeşimin şapkası kayıptır.<br />

    Amcamın atı beyazdır.<br />

    Bu adamın adı Paul'dur.<br />

    Babanızın adı nedir?<br />

    Anne's paintings are beautiful.<br />

    (Anne'nin tabloları güzel.)<br />

    The doctor's surgery is in that street.<br />

    (Doktorun muayenehanesi bu caddede.)<br />

    That's the cat's bowl.<br />

    (Bu kedinin kasesi.)<br />

    Tekil bir kişi adi ya da isimden sonra gelen iyelik eki daima 's dir:<br />

    This is Sue's bag.<br />

    These are Sue's bags.<br />

    Eğer isim çoğul ise ve -s ile bitiyorsa, iyelik eki olarak üst tirnak gelir ' :<br />

    My parents' flat is quite small.<br />

    (Anne babamın dairesi epey küçük.)<br />

    The girls' bedroom is upstairs. (Kızların yatak odası üst katta. )<br />

    İsim çoğul ise ama -s ile bitmiyorsa 's gelir:<br />

    The children's coats are here.<br />

    (Çocukların paltoları burada.)<br />

    The men's toilets are closed.<br />

    (Erkeklerin tuvaleti kapalı.)<br />

    Emma and Paul's car is outside.<br />

    (Emma ve Paul'un arabası dışarıda.)<br />


    GENİTİVE CASE (cansız varlıklar için kullanımı)<br />

    The keys of the door<br />

    İngilizce "of" kelimesinin iyelik eki olarak kullanımı şu şekildedir.<br />

    ( ISIM + OF + ISIM)<br />

    The garden of the house.<br />

    The flowers of the garden.<br />

    The colour of the flowers.<br />

    The door of a house.<br />

    (Evin bahçesi.)<br />

    (Bahçenin çiçekleri.)<br />

    (Çiçeklerin rengi.)<br />

    (Evin kapısı)<br />

    Exercise " apostrophe, genitive –s”<br />

    Do you know that woman'shouse?<br />

    Do you know the house of that woman?<br />

    The room of the girls = The girls' room.<br />

    Clothes for men = Men's jobs.<br />

    The sister of Charles = Charles's sister.<br />

    The boat of the sailors = The sailors' boat.<br />

    The castle is within 5 minutes' walk.<br />

    Let's go to the butcher's.<br />

    Dave's computer was broken.<br />

    It's not my book, it's John's.<br />

    Sarah is a woman's name.<br />

    John's father's car is white.<br />

    John and Mary's house is being built.<br />

    Mike's and Carol's houses are beautiful.<br />

    My father's dog is black.<br />

    My parents' house is near Bordeaux.<br />

    Do you know the cause of the problem?<br />

    You can sit in the back of the car.<br />

    Madrid is the capital of Spain.<br />

    Look at the roof of that built.<br />

    Don't forget it is Brian's birthday; he is 25.<br />

    Here is Peter's car.<br />

    Emy and Mike 's car was stolen this morning. This is my friends ' cottage.<br />

    I borrowed my mother-in-law 's umbrella.<br />

    This is my bedroom and Mary 's.<br />

    We are talking about America 's future.<br />

    I don't know where the young lady 's little dog is.<br />

    What's the name of this street? When is Bridg's birthday ?<br />

    Which is Julian's favourite team? When is the end of the programme ?<br />

    When is your parents' anniversary party?<br />

    How big are the windows of the house?<br />

    8.1 Rewrite each of the following sentences using "Genitive”<br />

    1. this is the manager's car (the car - the manager)<br />

    2. ( the population - the world) ........................... is increasing every ten minutes<br />

    3. I'll buy some paint for ................................. (the door - the garage)<br />


    4. She had .................................. (a feeling - disappointment)<br />

    5. It was terrible to see ........................... (the wounded hand - the girl)<br />

    6. ( the owner - the car) ........................ will have to pay the fine<br />

    7. It was ....................... (a decision - your husband)<br />

    8. I couldn't believe ......................... (the boy - the story)<br />

    9. After ................................ (a day - work) she felt very tired<br />

    10. Go to (the back - the house) ..................................<br />

    8.2 Complete the sentences. Use -'s or -s'<br />

    1. David and Sue are husband and wife. David is Sue ‘s husband.<br />

    2. This car belongs to Ann. It's Ann .... car.<br />

    3. The king lives in a very beautiful palace. The king ..... palace is very beautiful.<br />

    4. I was at Elena at her house last night. I was at Elena ….. house last night.<br />

    5. All the students have put their books on the table. All students ..... books are on the table.<br />

    6. My sister was born on 28th June. The 28th June is my sister .... birthday.<br />

    7. Mrs. Penn makes delicious cakes. Mrs. Penn .... cakes are delicious.<br />

    8. My grandparents have a house next door to us. My grandparents .... house is next door to ours.<br />

    9. Mr and Mrs Smith have a daughter, Mary. Mr and Mrs Smith are Mary ….. parents.<br />

    8.3 Complete the sentences with “Apostrophe"<br />

    1. This is Mark's. (Mark) car.<br />

    2. Shall we go to the ................. (Smiths)?<br />

    3. ................... (John) sister has a lot of books.<br />

    4. After only two .................. (hour) sleep I had to go to work.<br />

    5. ....................... (John and Mary) house has a blue door.<br />

    6. I had a letter in this .................. (morning) post.<br />

    7. This is my .................. (son) new bike.<br />

    8. These are the ....................... (boys) new bikes.<br />

    9. My .................. (parents) house is big.<br />

    10. ................. (Men) suits can be found on the first floor.<br />


    UNIT 9 Indefinite pronouns<br />

    (belgisiz zamirler)<br />

    INDEFİNİTE PRONONOUNS (somebody, anybody, nobody)<br />

    Peter has a bad memory. He can't remember anything.<br />

    INDEFINITE PRONONOUNS anlam olarak birbirlerinden farklıdırlar. Aşağıdaki tabloda, indefinite pronouns<br />

    (belgisiz zamirler)in kullanımına ilişkin detaylı açıklamalar ve örnekler verilmiştir.<br />

    somebody biri, birisi someone biri, birisi<br />

    something bir şey somewhere bir yer, bir yerde<br />

    anybody hiç kimse, herhangi biri anyone herhangi biri<br />

    anything hiç birşey, herhangi bir şey anywhere herhangibir yer<br />

    nobody hiç kimse no one hiç kimse<br />

    nothing hiçbir şey nowhere hiçbir yer<br />

    everybody herkes everyone herkes<br />

    everything herşey everywhere her yer<br />

    I saw somene outside.<br />

    There is something on your head.<br />

    I left my glassess somewhere.<br />

    I didn’t see anybody at home.<br />

    Is there anyone in the class?<br />

    I didn’t buy anything yesterday.<br />

    We didn’t go anywhere last summer.<br />

    I saw nobody at school.<br />

    I met noone at the party.<br />

    I sold nothing yesterday.<br />

    I went nowhere last holiday.<br />

    (Bahçede birisini gördüm.)<br />

    (Kafanda bir şey var.)<br />

    (Gözlüğünü bir yerde unuttum.)<br />

    (Evde kimseyi görmedim.)<br />

    (Sınıfta kimse var mı?)<br />

    (Dün hiçbir şey satın almadım.)<br />

    (Geçen yaz hiçbir yere gitmedik.)<br />

    (Okulda hiç kimseyi görmedim.)<br />

    (Partide hiç kimseyle tanışmadım.)<br />

    (Dün hiçbir şey satmadım.)<br />

    (Geçen tatil hiçbir yere gitmedim.)<br />

    body (şahıs) thing ( eşya) where ( yer)<br />


    some<br />


    SOMETHING<br />

    SOMEWHERE<br />

    I met someone I knew.<br />

    He bought something cheap.<br />

    They went somewhere<br />

    any<br />


    ANYTHING<br />

    ANYWHERE<br />

    We didn't speak with any-<br />

    I can't see anything nice.<br />

    I'm not going anywhere today.<br />

    one.<br />

    any<br />


    ANYTHING<br />

    ANYWHERE<br />

    Do you know anyone here?<br />

    Did you answer anything?<br />

    Did you hide it anywhere?<br />

    Somebody stole my wallet<br />

    I saw somene outside.<br />

    I left my glassess somewhere.<br />

    I didn’t see anybody at home.<br />

    Is there anyone in the class?<br />

    I didn’t buy anything yesterday.<br />

    He doesn’t want anything.<br />

    Can anybody lift this heavy stone?<br />

    Will you go anywhere?<br />

    Do you want anything to read?<br />

    (Birisi cüzdanımı çaldı.)<br />

    (Bahçede birisini gördüm.)<br />

    (Gözlüğünü bir yerde unuttum.)<br />

    (Evde kimseyi görmedim.)<br />

    (Sınıfta kimse var mı?)<br />

    (Dün hiçbir şey satın almadım.)<br />

    (Hiçbir şey istemiyor.)<br />

    (Herhangi biri bu taşı kaldırabilir mi?)<br />

    (Bir yere gidecek misin?)<br />

    (Okuyacak bir şey istiyor musun?)<br />

    NO ile başlayan zamirler yapı olarak olumlu cümlede kullanılırlar, fakat anlamları OLUMSUZDUR. Bu durum<br />

    Türkçede yoktur.<br />

    I saw nobody at the party.<br />

    No one / nobody is coming to my wedding.<br />

    There is no bus now. We have to walk.<br />

    (Partide hiç kimseyi görmedim.)<br />

    (Düğünüme kimse gelmiyor.)<br />

    (Şimdi bir otobüs yok. Yürümek zorundayız.)<br />

    SOME ile başlayan kelimeler genelde OLUMLU cümlelerde; ANY ile başlayan kelimeler ise OLUMSUZ<br />

    VE SORU cümlelerinde kullanılır.<br />

    There s someone at the door . Is there anyone at the door? There isn t anyone at the door.<br />

    I know somewhere we can go. Do you know anywhere we can go? I don t know anywhere we can go<br />

    Exercise " no / thing / one / body / where”<br />

    Someone invited me to dinner yesterday evening. Something terrible has happened to them.<br />

    I have something to tell you.<br />

    There is something to drink in the fridge.<br />

    He knows somebody in New York.<br />

    Susie has somebody staying with her.<br />

    They want to go somewhere hot for their holidays Keith is looking for somewhere to live.<br />

    I was too surprised to say anything .<br />

    Have you found your wallet anywhere?<br />

    No cars are allowed in the city centre.<br />

    'Where are you going?' ‘Nowhere.’<br />

    There is nobody in the house at the moment. When I arrived there was nobody to meet me.<br />

    I have learnt nothing since I began the course. There is nothing to eat.<br />


    There is nowhere as beautiful as Paris in the Spring. Homeless people have nowhere to go at night.<br />

    We haven't got any money.<br />

    We've got no money.<br />

    9.1 Fill in the gaps with Somebody - nobody - anybody - everybody - something"<br />

    1. Does anybody want a game of tennis ?<br />

    2. What's that smell? Can you smell ................ burning?<br />

    3. I asked if ................... wanted an ice-cream.<br />

    4. Did .............. phone me while I was out?<br />

    5. Your face looks terribly familiar. Haven't I seen you ............. before?<br />

    6. She left the room without saying ......................<br />

    7. This doesn't look a very nice restaurant! Can we go ............. else?<br />

    8. I have ................ more to say to you. Goodbye.<br />

    9. I have never been .................. more beautiful than Scotland.<br />

    10. What do you want for supper? ............... I don't mind!<br />

    9.2 Fill in the gaps with all, everything or everybody/everyone.<br />

    1. It was a good party. Everybody enjoyed it.<br />

    2. All I’ve eaten today is a sandwich.<br />

    3 ………………. has got their faults. Nobody is perfect.<br />

    4. Nothing has changed …………………. is the same as it was.<br />

    5. Margaret told me ……………………….. about her new job. It sounds quite interesting.<br />

    6. Can …………………….. write their names on a piece of paper please?<br />

    7. Why are you always thinking about money? Money isn't ………………………………..<br />

    8. I didn't have much money with me. ………………………….I had ten pounds.<br />

    9. When the fire alarm rang, left the building immediately.<br />

    10. She didn't say where she was going………………………….. She said was that she was going away.<br />

    11. We have completely different opinions. I disagree with …………………. she says.<br />

    12. We all did well in the examination ………………….. In our class passed.<br />

    13. We all did well in the examination ……………………………….. of us passed.<br />

    9.3. Rewrite each of the following sentences to express a negative meaning<br />

    I have some paper.<br />

    I do not have any paper.<br />

    I saw your glasses somewhere.<br />

    I did not see your glasses anywhere.<br />

    1. He has some relatives in the city …………………………………………………..<br />

    2. I know someone here. …………………………………………………..<br />

    3. Some of us were surprised by the announcement . …………………………………………………..<br />

    4. I plan to go somewhere on my vacation. …………………………………………………..<br />

    5. Some tickets were sold this morning. …………………………………………………..<br />

    6. I heard someone playing the bagpipes. …………………………………………………..<br />


    7. I gave her some advice. …………………………………………………..<br />

    8. Something is wrong. …………………………………………………..<br />

    9. We bought something at the flea market. …………………………………………………..<br />

    10. They had some exciting adventures. …………………………………………………..<br />

    11. Someone offered to help me. …………………………………………………..<br />

    12. She knows someone working at the Library. …………………………………………………..<br />

    13. He lives somewhere near here. …………………………………………………..<br />

    14. Somebody left early. …………………………………………………..<br />

    9.4 Fill in the blank with "Some - any - no “<br />

    1. They haven't got any idea where to go for their holidays.<br />

    2. He has .............. time to watch TV tonight; he's got too much work to do.<br />

    3. Question: - Did you speak to ...........?<br />

    4. Answer: - No, I spoke to..................<br />

    5. I'm thirsty, I'd like ............... tea, please.<br />

    6. There's ............... I don't understand, could you explain it to me, please?<br />

    7. This homeless man is very poor, he's got ........... money.<br />

    8. ' Did you hear that noise?' 'No, I didn't hear .................<br />

    9. 'Did you buy ............ fruit, this morning?'<br />

    10. 'Yes, I bought ........... oranges. Do you want one?'<br />

    11. 'Did you go to the cinema last night?' 'No, I went .... I stayed at home and studied with Anglia’s Facile.'<br />

    12. There's ............... at the door who says he wants to speak to you.<br />

    9.5 Fill in the blank with " Some- or any- + body/-thing/-where"<br />

    1. I was too surprised to say anything<br />

    2. There's ........................ at the door. Can you go and see who it is?<br />

    3. Does ...................... mind if I open the window?<br />

    4. I wasn't feeling hungry, so I didn't eat ....................<br />

    5. You must be hungry. Would you like ....................... to eat?<br />

    6. ................. isn't telling the truth.<br />

    7. This machine is very easy to use ................ can learn to life it in a very short time.<br />

    8. There was hardly ................. on the beach. It was almost deserted.<br />

    9. 'Do you live .................... near Jim?' No, he lives in another part of town.'<br />

    10. 'Where shall we go on holiday?' Let's go ............... warm and sunny.<br />

    11. We slept in a pall because we didn't have .................. to stay.<br />

    12. I'm going out now. If ................ phones while I'm out, can you tell them I'll be back?<br />

    13. They stay at home all the time. They never seem to go ...............<br />

    14. Why are you looking under the bed? Have you lost ...................... ?<br />

    15. ................... who saw the accident should contact the police.<br />


    16. What do you want to eat? ..................... I don't mind. Whatever you have.<br />

    17. Who shall I invite to the party? I don't mind ...................... you like.<br />

    18. What sort of job are you looking for? ......................... It doesn't matter.<br />


    UNIT 10 Reflexive pronouns<br />

    Dönüşlü zamirler (Kendi zamiri)<br />


    A lion has strong claws and powerful jaws, it can easily defend itself<br />

    İngilizce dilbilgisinde bazen fiilin anlamı, özneye geri döner ve özneyi etkiler. Bu durumda " REFLEXIVE<br />


    KULLANIRIZ.<br />

    I myself I cut myself with a knife (Bıçakla kendimi kestim)<br />

    you yourself/yourselves You cut yourself with a knife (Bıçakla kendini kestin)<br />

    he himself He cut himself with a knife (Bıçakla kendisini kesti)<br />

    she herself She cut herself with a knife (Bıçakla kendisini kesti)<br />

    we ourselves We cut ourselves with a knife (Bıçakla kendimizi kestik)<br />

    they themselves They cut themselves with a knife (Bıçakla kendilerini kestiler)<br />

    You can help yourselves to pizza.<br />

    He blames himself for the break up.<br />

    She should learn to look after herself.<br />

    Did you prepare yourself for the test?<br />

    How did she injure herself?<br />

    Let’s get ourselves some ice cream.<br />

    I drew myself this map.<br />

    I cut myself with a knife.<br />

    (Kendinize bir pizza kazandırabilirsiniz)<br />

    (Kendisini ayrılık konusunda suçluyor.)<br />

    (Kendi kendisine bakmasını öğrenmeli.)<br />

    (Kendini sınava hazırladın mı?)<br />

    (Kendini nasıl yaraladı?)<br />

    (Hadi kendimize dondurma alalım.)<br />

    (Bu haritayı ben kendim çizdim.)<br />

    (Kendimi (elimi) bıçakla kestim.)<br />

    By edatı ile kullanılan dönüşlü zamirler, cümledeki fiilin gösterdiği eylemi ÖZNENİN KENDİ KENDİNE,<br />


    by myself (kendi kendime ) by himself (kendi kendine)<br />

    by ourselves (kendi kendimize) by themselves (kendi kendilerine)<br />


    She learnt English by herself.<br />

    (Kendi kendine İngilizce öğrendi.)<br />

    He repaired the car by himself.<br />

    (Otomobili kendi kendine tamir etti.)<br />

    You can carry the suitcase by yourself. (Bavulu kendi kendine taşıyabilirsin.)<br />

    I painted the walls by myself.<br />

    (Duvarları kendi kendime boyadım.)<br />

    The soldiers built the bridge by themselves. (Askerler köprüyü kendi kendilerine inşa ettiler.)<br />

    EACH OTHER: (birbirlerini, birbirlerine, biri diğerine)<br />

    Tom looked at Peter, Peter looked at Tom. They looked at each other.<br />

    Each other ve one another kelimeleri Türkçede karşılıklılık, ortaklık ilişkilerini ifade etmektedir. İki kelimede<br />

    Türkçeye (BİRBİRLERİNİ, BİRBİRLERİNE, BİRİ DİĞERİNE) şeklinde çevrilir.<br />

    They haven’t seen each other for long years. (Uzun seneler birbirlerini görmediler.)<br />

    Jude and Mary wear one another’s blouses. (Jude ve Mary birbirlerinin bluzlarını giyerler.)<br />

    The two footballers shouted at each other angrily. (İki futbolcu birbirlerine kızgın bir şekilde bağırdılar.)<br />

    Exercise "reflexive pronouns, each other”<br />

    Tom and Ann stood in front of the mirror and looked at themselves.<br />

    John and his girlfriend are still angry. They're not talking to each other<br />

    Tommy and Maggie are old enough to go by themselves:<br />

    I am glad they are enjoying themselves.<br />

    Gladys has burnt herself.<br />

    Peter, don't use that knife or you will hurt yourself. My mother can repair plenty of things herself.<br />

    Don't tell me you can't do it yourself, Jack! Steve and Andrew can look after themselves now.<br />

    Dad has made that table himself.<br />

    Polly and I are going to write the letter ourselves.<br />

    He washes his clothes himself.<br />

    Little Susie can already dress herself.<br />

    We repaired the car ourselves.<br />

    He hurt himself.<br />

    10.1 Fill in the blank with the reflexive pronoun<br />

    1. The parrot is talking to itself<br />

    2. You have to introduce .................... Tom !<br />

    3. He admires .................... In the mirrors.<br />

    4. She is looking at ................. in the mirror of the bathroom.<br />

    5. My friend and I enjoyed .............. very much.<br />

    6. She describes .................. in a nice letter.<br />


    7. I have to introduce ............. to my new colleagues.<br />

    8. Your mother and you enjoyed ............... very much at the mall.<br />

    9. I have to go, because I have to clean the car ..............<br />

    10.2 Complete with the right reflexive pronoun.<br />

    1. I must finish all the work myself<br />

    2. You have to introduce ............................ Tom !<br />

    3. She is looking at ................. in the mirror.<br />

    4. Tom and John have to clean the car ................<br />

    5. My friend and I enjoyed ................ a lot at the concert.<br />

    6. The parrot is talking to ...............<br />

    7. Tom likes and admires .............. a lot.<br />

    8. The teacher told her pupils:' You will do the activity ..............<br />

    9. He cut .............<br />

    10. She describes ...............<br />

    10.3 Fill in the blank with the reflexive pronoun<br />

    1. I am glad they are enjoying themselves<br />

    2. Gladys has burnt ................<br />

    3. Peter, don't use that knife or you will hurt .............!<br />

    4. My mother can repair plenty of things ...............<br />

    5. Don't tell me you can't do it .................., Jack !<br />

    6. Steve and Andrew can look after .............. now.<br />

    7. Dad has made that table ................<br />

    8. Polly and I are going to write the letter ............<br />

    9. Tommy and Maggie are old enough to go by .................<br />

    10. Helen and I always enjoy ................ during the holidays.<br />

    10.4 Complete with the reflexive pronoun or each other.<br />

    1. I don't like him.We never speak to each other .<br />

    2. During the climbing trip, two climbers cut ............... quite badly.<br />

    3. On our birthdays, my friend and I give .................... gifts.<br />

    4. When two people get married, they usually give ................ a ring.<br />

    5. My parents are very happy. They still love .................<br />

    6. Peter and Susan have met ................<br />

    7. She and her brother stopped talking and looked at ..............<br />

    8. John and his mother bought ................. presents for Christmas.<br />

    9. My cat and his dog looked at.................... with dread.<br />


    UNİT 11 can/ could /be able to<br />

    (yetenek, olasılık)<br />

    CAN-COULD<br />

    I can help my little sister. I am able to help my little sister<br />

    Can bir yardımcı fiildir, modal yardımcı fiilidir. Can, bir şeyin mümkün olup olmadığı ya da BİRİSİNİN BİR<br />


    da can kullanılabilir.<br />

    Özne Yardımcı fiil Esas fiil<br />

    I can play tennis.<br />

    He can not / can’t play tennis.<br />

    Can you play tennis?<br />


    Johnny can swim.<br />

    My mother can speak Chinese.<br />

    I can climb that mountain.<br />

    My brother can play the piano.<br />

    He can drive a motorbike.<br />

    I cannot see you. (I can't see you.)<br />

    Tony can’t play volleyball.<br />

    My father can’t speak French.<br />

    Can you speak any foreign languages?<br />

    (Tony yüzebilir.)<br />

    (Babam Çince konuşabilir.)<br />

    (Şu dağa tırmanabilirim.)<br />

    (Erkek kardeşim piyano çalabilir.)<br />

    (Motosiklet sürebilir.)<br />

    (Seni göremiyorum.)<br />

    (Tony voleybol oynayamaz.)<br />

    (Babam Fransızca konuşamaz.)<br />

    (Herhangi bir yabancı dil konuşabilir misin?)<br />

    OLASILIK<br />

    I can come and see you tomorrow if you like (İstersen yarın gelip görebilirim.)<br />



    Can i have a glass of water, please?<br />

    Can you help me a minute, please?<br />

    Can I read your newspaper?<br />

    (Bir bardak su alabilir miyim lütfen?)<br />

    (Lütfen bir dakika bana yardım edebilir misin?)<br />

    (Gazeteni okuyabilir miyim?)<br />

    GEÇMİŞTEKİ olasılık, ihtimal, kabiliyet veya yeteneklerden bahsederken “could “ kullanırız.<br />

    My grandfather could speak seven languages when he was young,<br />

    Özne Yardımcı fiil Esas fiil<br />

    My grandmother could swim.<br />

    could not<br />

    walk.<br />

    She couldn't<br />

    Could your grandmother swim?<br />

    Alf played well but he couldn't beat Jack. .<br />

    My brother couldn’t swim when he was 10.<br />

    Couldn’t the boy open the door this morning?<br />

    I could see him.<br />

    Could you close the window?<br />

    Could you tell me where the hospital is, please?<br />

    (Alf iyi oynadı ama Jack'i yenemedi.)<br />

    (Kardeşim 10 yaşındayken yüzemiyordu.)<br />

    (Çocuk bu sabah kapıyı açamadı mı?)<br />

    (Onu görebilirdim.) (Ama görmedim.)<br />

    (Pencereyi kapatır mısınız?)<br />

    (Hastanenin nerede olduğunu bana söyler misiniz<br />

    lütfen?)<br />

    BE ABLE<br />

    He was able to play tennis when he was a child.<br />


    YETENEKLERİ ifade ederken be able to kullanılır. Able sıfattır. GÜÇLÜ, YETENEKLİ, MUKTEDİR<br />

    anlamındadır. "I am able to swim" ile "I can swim" aynı anlamı taşır.<br />

    özne yardımcı fiil able fiil<br />

    I am able to drive.<br />

    She is not able to drive.<br />

    isn't<br />

    Are you able to drive?<br />

    We weren't able to pass the test last month. ( Geçen ay testi geçmek mümkün değildi )<br />

    I am able to help you with your homework.<br />

    (Ödevlerinde sana yardım edebilirim.)<br />

    Was / Were able to, (...e bildi) geçmişte yapılmış bir tek olay için kullanılır.<br />

    When I was young, I was able to play football. (Gençken futbol oynayabilirdim.)<br />

    I was able to talk to him last night.<br />

    (Dün gece onunla konuşmayı başardım.)<br />

    He was able to get a good mark in the exam last week.(Geçen hafta imtihanda iyi bir not almayı başardı.)<br />

    I was able to understand him.<br />

    (Onu anlayabilirdim.)<br />

    Exercise "can, could and be able to."etc..<br />

    Do you think we can park over here?<br />

    Excuse me, could I have some information?<br />

    Could you give me your number, please?<br />

    Kare Yayınları Enjoy Grammar 1 Mehmet Telli 85487

    Kare Yayınları Enjoy Grammar 1 Mehmet Telli


    Kurumsal Fatura

    Satıcı : Kıvırcık Kitap

    Koleksiyona Ekle

    Tahmini Kargoya Teslim: 2 gün içinde

    86 favori

    • Boyut:Büyük Boy
    • Basım Dili:İngilizce
    • Yazar:Mehmet Telli
    • Dil Seviyesi:Temel
    • Basım Yılı:2020 ve Öncesi
    • Setli/Tekil:Tekil Ürün

    • 15 gün içinde ücretsiz iade. Detaylı bilgi için tıklayın.
    • Bu ürün Kıvırcık Kitap tarafından gönderilecektir.
    • Enjoy Grammar 1
    • Bu üründen en fazla 25 adet sipariş verilebilir. 25 adetin üzerindeki siparişleri Trendyol iptal etme hakkını saklı tutar.
    • Kampanya fiyatından satılmak üzere 5 adetten az stok bulunmaktadır.
    • İncelemiş olduğunuz ürünün satış fiyatını satıcı belirlemektedir.
    • Bu ürün indirim kampanyasına dahil değildir.
    • Bir ürün, birden fazla satıcı tarafından satılabilir. Birden fazla satıcı tarafından satışa sunulan ürünlerin satıcıları ürün için belirledikleri fiyata, satıcı puanlarına, teslimat statülerine, ürünlerdeki promosyonlara, kargonun bedava olup olmamasına ve ürünlerin hızlı teslimat ile teslim edilip edilememesine, ürünlerin stok ve kategorileri bilgilerine göre sıralanmaktadır.


    Ürün Değerlendirmeleri

    Henüz Yorum Yazılmamış.

    Ürün Bilgileri

    Kare Yayınları Enjoy Grammar 1 Mehmet Telli

    • Enjoy Grammar 1
    • Bu üründen en fazla 25 adet sipariş verilebilir. 25 adetin üzerindeki siparişleri Trendyol iptal etme hakkını saklı tutar.
    • Kampanya fiyatından satılmak üzere 5 adetten az stok bulunmaktadır.
    • İncelemiş olduğunuz ürünün satış fiyatını satıcı belirlemektedir.
    • Bu ürün indirim kampanyasına dahil değildir.
    • Bir ürün, birden fazla satıcı tarafından satılabilir. Birden fazla satıcı tarafından satışa sunulan ürünlerin satıcıları ürün için belirledikleri fiyata, satıcı puanlarına, teslimat statülerine, ürünlerdeki promosyonlara, kargonun bedava olup olmamasına ve ürünlerin hızlı teslimat ile teslim edilip edilememesine, ürünlerin stok ve kategorileri bilgilerine göre sıralanmaktadır.

    Ürün Özellikleri

    • BoyutBüyük Boy
    • Basım Diliİngilizce
    • YazarMehmet Telli
    • Dil SeviyesiTemel
    • Basım Yılı2020 ve Öncesi
    • Setli/TekilTekil Ürün


    oksabron ne için kullanılır patates yardımı başvurusu adana yüzme ihtisas spor kulübü izmit doğantepe satılık arsa bir örümceğin kaç bacağı vardır