perineum / One moment, please



The total research sample required was 30 primigravidas, with details, namely 15 people from the perineal massage group and 15 from the gentle technique. Pelvic floor muscle strength in primiparous women according to the delivery type: cross-sectional study. Selain mendapat jahitan, pasien juga dapat diresepkan obat antibiotik untuk mencegah infeksi. Ruptur perineum umumnya terlihat jelas, tetapi ada beberapa kondisi yang membuat robekan tidak tampak sehingga perlu diperiksa dengan lebih cermat. Design of research that is used is identification Rupture perineum is the birth canal mother ruptures pre-experiment using posttest only a fair when the issuance of the baby either intentionally as compensation including on the instrument types well as it not been for the less elastic the birth canal academicians as well as national about massage mother who has just given.


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