kan gruplarının dağılımı / İstanbul İlinde ABO ve Rh Kan Grupları Dağılımının Analizi | TRDizin

Kan Gruplarının Dağılımı

kan gruplarının dağılımı

Research of the blood groups in Turkey


The first work on the rational distribution of the blood groups in Turkey was carried out in 1918 and since then number of research workers have studied on this subject till 1958. However the results of these studies can not be regarded to be an overall picture of Turkey for two main reasons: a) An inadequate number of representative samples, b)The lack of application / or misapplication of statistical methods in data analyses.During a health survey undertaken in Van, a provincial town in Eastern Anatolia, carried out by The Directorate of Health of City of Van, the blood groups were also determined from the volunteers, It is the results of this survey that forms our survey data.In this survey the phenotype ratios and gene frequencies of ABO blood groups and Rh factors sampled from 6982 individuals were determined. The result of the survey indicates that the distribution of blood groups are: %39.90 A, %17.09 B, %14.66 AB, and %28.26 O. It is also found that the gene frequency of A is 0.2945, B is 0.1738, O is 0.5315 respectively. Furthermore the distribution of positive Rh factor appears to be % 89.49 whereas negative factor is in the order of %10.51.In our work, the results of 8 previous work which are considered to be of representative of Turkey as a whole, together with 4 regional studies, which were carried out in Diyarbakır (Albayrak, 1989), Trakya (Akbay ve ark., 1989) and Adana, Kayseri, Trabzon (3 provinces together) were investigated in comparison with the results of our study.It appears that A blood group and A gene frequency show a gradual decrease from west to east on B blood group and B gene frequency. It is also observed that O blood group and O gene frequency show a similar pattern to the A blood group. When regional distribution of the research results is considered, it is apparent that the majority of the results of Eastern Anatolian Region is consistent with the results of the Van survey.

Anahtar Kelime:

Kan grubu

Alıcılar ve vericileri gösteren bir şema.

Kan grubu, kandakiantikorlara bakılarak, kanın özelliğini belirtmek için oluşturulmuş sınıflandırmasistemidir.[1]İnsanlarda A, B, AB ve 0 türleri vardır. Bundan bağımsız olarak, Rh değeri + ya da - değerinde olabilir. Bu üç sistemin birleşiminden 8'li kan grubu tablosu oluşmuştur.[1]Türkiye'de iki sistem yan yana yazılarak belirtilir. Örneğin; A türü kanda Rh değeri negatif ise, o kan için A Rh (-) grubu denir. Türkiye'de Kızılay'ın verilerine göre en çok bulunan ve en çok gereksinilen grup A Rh (+)'dir.[2] RH etkeni, Hint şebeğinin (İngilizce: rhesus macaque) kanındaki antikorların var olup olmaması anlamına gelir.

Kan grubu uyumu[değiştir


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