kütahya ağzı / Kütahya Rahim Ağzı Kanseri Tedavisi Doktorları

Kütahya Ağzı

kütahya ağzı

A Study Of Idioms Collected From The Center of Kutahya


The vocabulary of Turkish cannot be measured only with the data of the standard language. There are also many vocabulary elements that are seen in Turkey Turkish dialects but are not included in the standard language. Among these elements, there are also abstract forms of expression that can illuminate the historical periods of Turkish and provide evidence for its wealth. Idioms are just one of these abstract forms of expression in the language. It reveals the expressive power of a developed language; indicates the level of processing; reflects the richness of the vocabulary. It offers clues about the social life, historical identity and cultural structure of the community in which it has sprouted and formed. In this context, idioms have a great contribution to Turkish langugae history and dialectal researches. Ignoring idioms in dialect studies is an important deficiency of the researches. This deficiency means that the data obtained in dialect studies are not adequately evaluated. In the studies carried out, it is necessary to determine the idioms that are not recorded, and it is needed to be determined where, when, for what and in what sense they are used. In this paper, we focused on the idioms spoken in the dialect of central Kütahya. Idioms consisting of curses and prayers expressing good wishes were also left for later studies. The aim is to be able to contribute to the studies composing a dialect dictionary and linguistic atlas. The study is carried out in four stages; scanning, compilation, listing according to certain criteria, and definition. During the study, the idioms which take place in the texts of Tuncer Gülensoy's work Kütahya and its Region Dialects, and the idioms noted in non-text compilations from the speeches of family members and people close to me were emphasized. In order to determine whether the idioms identified are included in the written sources or not; Güncel Türkçe Sözlük, Bölge Ağızlarında Atasözleri ve Deyimler, Atasözleri ve Deyimler Sözlüğü, Derleme Sözlüğü, Misalli Büyük Türkçe Sözlük and Türkçenin Deyim Varlığı of A. Turan Sinan, Deyimler Sözlüğü of Ö. Asım Aksoy, Necmi Akyalçın’s Türkçemizin Anlamsal Zenginlikleri Deyimlerimiz, Yusuf Çotuksöken’s Türkçe Atasözleri ve Deyimler Sözlüğü, Özcan Türkmen’s Emirdağ Ağzında Atasözleri ve Deyimler were reviewed. As a result of the scans, those found in the center of Kütahya but not recorded or those with different meanings were recorded and classified; were carded and listed in alphabetical order, and then their meanings were given, and exemplified.

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Web Adresi

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