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Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 75 () Eurasian Journal of Educational Research monash.pw As a Potential Source of Error, Measuring the Tendency of University Students to Copy the Answers: A Scale Development Study Ergul DEMIR 1 ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Article History: Purpose: The answer-copying tendency has the Received: 07 Jan. potential to detect suspicious answer patterns for Received in revised form: 22 Mar. prior distributions of statistical detection Accepted: 28 Apr. techniques. The aim of this study is to develop a DOI: /ejer valid and reliable measurement tool as a scale in order to observe the tendency of university Keywords students’ copying of answers. Also, it is aimed to answer-copying dishonesty provide evidence with more comprehensive scale development validity and reliability studies than the copy-detection. previously available researches. Research Methods: This is a scale development study. The “Answer-Copying Tendency Scale in University Students (ACTS)” was developed under the “Classical Test Theory”. Other theories were also considered, especially “Item Response Theory”. After preliminary studies and item writing, a trial application with students and main applications with students was conducted. Structural validity, item and test descriptive statistics, item discriminations, inconsistency and test–retest reliability, classification accuracy, and item bias with differential item functioning were examined. Findings: The ACTS composed of 2 factor and 20 items. Total scores and item scores distributions are normal. Item discriminations are very high and over α inconsistency coefficients are over and test–retest reliability coefficient is It provides highly correct classifications according to the students’ answer-copying positions. There is no significant and serious DIF on items. Implications for Research and Practice: Unlike similar examples, it was studied on the large groups and used more comprehensive techniques to obtain evidences. Results show that the validity and reliability levels of the ACTS are very high. The ACTS can be used to understand the nature of the answer-copying. Also, and more importantly, it is thought that the ACTS can be used to detect suspicious answer patterns for prior distributions. © Ani Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved 1 Ankara University, Educational Science Faculty, TURKEY, e-mail:[email protected], ORCID: monash.pw 38 Ergul DEMIR / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 75 () Introduction Academic integrity, dishonesty, cheating, or, in a more limited use, answer- copying has become an increasingly important problem in schools. Academic integrity is a more comprehensive definition including answer-copying, having proxies, plagiarism, academic misconduct, falsifying, etc. (Mullens, ). Some research shows that answer-copying has been observed at very serious proportions (Burke, ; Genereux & McLeod, ; May & Loyd, ; McCabe, ). Dwyer and Hecht () stated that such dishonest behaviors by students have been increasing with increasing class sizes and reduced instructional resources. Similarly, McCabe and Trevino () reported that the percentage of cheating behaviors among college students rose slightly. The inability to take control of this tendency leads to the injured reputation of institutions and hurts honest students, their families, and all of society (Aaron & Georgia, ). Statistically, answer-copying is a source of systematic error and bias on items or tests. It may lead to unfair results. Unfortunately, it is very hard to detect answer- copying because initial response patterns are not easy to determine accurately for the statistical models. Improving the statistical techniques to detect answer-copying has been studied since the s (Angoff, ; Frary, Tideman, & Watts, ; Holland, ; Maeda & Zhang, ; van der Linden & Sotaridona, ; Wesolowsky, ; Wollack, ). According to Dwyer and Hact (), some probabilistic techniques to detect cheaters have been used in American higher education since the s. Generally, these techniques depend on matching responses between the copier and the source with a complex standardization process. Thus, the copiers and the sources have to be defined accurately. Also, there are some other challenges to using these techniques. As stated by van der Linden & Sotaridona (), these common techniques are limited by the null distribution of the set of items on which the statistics is defined. It is based on population-based statistics, and it is possible to arrive at unfair results. Alternatively, performances of IRT-based techniques also depend on the accurate estimation of copier ability, and it is obvious that the responses of copiers may be contaminated. For these techniques, especially, suspicious answer patterns should be defined accurately for prior and posterior distributions. It is understood that although there are some statistical techniques to detect answer-copying, these are limited or show doubt, a potential source of error, or just a probability. Another way to understand the nature of copying is to consider related factors (Gerdeman, ; Hughes & McCabe, ). Some research reported that dishonest behaviors, mostly including answer-copying, were related to individual characteristics like GPA, age, gender, etc. (Crown & Spiller, ; McCabe & Trevino, ; Selçuk, ; Whitley, ). Students with lower GPAs, younger students, and males are most likely to cheat. Also, these groups show more tolerance for cheating behaviors. Ergul DEMIR / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 75 () 39 Although they are less likely to engage in dishonesty or copying, dishonest behaviors seem to be related to particular educators and institutional policies (Aaron, ; Genereux & McLeod, ; McCabe & Trevino, ). Other important factors are attitudes, perceptions, and tendencies toward copying (Genereux & McLeod, ; Hughes & McCabe, ; McCabe & Trevino, ; Öztürk & Yeşilyaprak, ). The students with high work ethic, self-esteem, and lower test anxiety are less likely to cheat. On the other hand, the prevalence of cheating and the perception of cheating as acceptable increases cheating behaviors. In many studies, questionnaires or self-reporting have been used to observe students’ perceptions or tendencies on dishonest behavior such as copying (Bolin, ; McCabe & Travino, ; Selçuk, ). There are a few measurement tools available developed in these contexts (Eminoğlu & Nartgün, ; Gardner & Miller, ; LaGrange, ). Unfortunately, these tools are very limited in use and mostly unavailable. Generally, these tools were developed on a small and limited group and have comprehensive context. Most of them provide less proof about validity and reliability. Most of them were developed a long time ago. So, although cheating has been studied for a long time, it is obvious that valid and reliable tools are still needed. Research Objectives The aim of this study is to develop a valid and reliable measurement tool as a scale in order to observe the tendency of university students to copy answers. Also, it is aimed to provide evidence with comprehensive validity and reliability studies. With this aim, psychometric studies have been carried out for the “Answer-Copying Tendency Scale in University Students (ACTS)”: (1) Structural validity, (2) item and test descriptive statistics, (3) item discriminations, (4) inconsistency and test–retest reliability, (5) classification accuracy, and (6) item bias with differential item functioning. Statistically, the detection of answer-copying is a challenge. On the other hand, research shows that attitudes, perceptions, and tendencies are related to answer- copying behavior. In order to understand the nature of answer-copying and then detect it, we need a valid, reliable, and, most importantly, available tool to be used in this context. Also, the answer-copying tendency has the potential to make suspicious answer patterns detectable for prior/initial distributions of statistical detection techniques. Method This is a scale development study. The “Answer-Copying Tendency Scale in University Students (ACTS)” was developed under the “True Score Theory” or “Classical Test Theory”. In this process, other theories were also considered, especially 40 Ergul DEMIR / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 75 () “Item Response Theory”. The scale development steps were followed by considering DeVellis (). Preliminary Studies and Item Writing Developing the ACTS began with the preliminary studies. First, the trait and the aim were defined. The aim of the scale was defined as to measure the tendency of university students to copy answers. After that, the observable behaviors of students’ copying tendencies was tried to be linked with the related literature. Simultaneously, around 80 university students were asked to write an essay on their perceptions and views about answer-copying. These documents were analyzed, and a total of draft expressions were prepared for review by experts. The prepared draft form was sent to six specialists and academics working in the field of educational sciences. According to their opinions, 35 items were cancelled, 14 items were reorganized, and 79 items were accepted as they were. Of the 93 items, there were 34 items with negative direction. At the same time, the experts were asked about which type of scale would be used most effectively. Some experts recommended the Likert-type scale with five categories, while others recommended more than five categories. In response, and also by considering the related literature, it was decided that two differently numbered scoring categories would be used in the trial application. The first would be the classic Likert-type scale with five categories, and the second would be to score between 0 and 10 points. At the end of the preliminary studies, the trial application form was organized with 93 items. Trial and Main Application Trial application was executed with undergraduate students from 16 universities and 18 faculties in May and June of in Turkey as a paper-pencil test. The main application was executed with undergraduate students from 29 universities and 30 faculties in November and December of in Turkey as a web based application. Some demographic characteristics of the students whom participated in trial and main applications are given at Table 1. Data Analysis Defining the factor structure, exploratory and confirmatory studies were executed. “Principal component analysis” and “multidimensional scaling with ALSCAL method” was used with the trial application data. “Confirmatory factor analysis” was used with the main application data. As the test and item statistics, it was analyzed the distribution of the scores and calculated the descriptive statistics. As the item discrimination, item-total score correlations were calculated with Pearson’ Product Moments correlation coefficient. For reliability, α inconsistency coefficient and test- retest reliability were calculated. For classification accuracy, discriminant function Ergul DEMIR / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 75 () 41 analysis was used with four classification model. Finally, item bias was examined with the “lordif” techniques based on Item Response Theory. Before all analyses, main assumptions were checked in detail. The softwares SPSS and Lisrel and R were used for these analyses. Table 1 Students’ Demographic Characteristics for Trial and Main Application Samples Trial Application n % Main Application n % Female Female Male Gender Male Gender Missing 28 Total Ankara Total University Ankara Trakya University University Hacettepe Gazi 77 University University TED University Hacettepe 29 69 University University University Konya Selçuk 23 Other University Other 22 Missing 2 Missing 29 Total Total Education Educational Educational Sciences Sciences Science & Education Literature Faculty Language Theology 55 & History- 88 Faculty Geography Science 47 Others Other Total Preparation Missing 28 and 1 Total 2 1 3 2 4 3 Class 5 and 50 Graduate Class 4 Total Graduate 34 Missing 29 Total 42 Ergul DEMIR / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 75 () Results Structural Validity: Exploratory and Confirmatory Studies Exploratory studies for the ACTS were executed on the trial application data, and confirmatory analysis was executed on the main application data. As an exploratory analysis, “principal component analysis (PCA)” and “multidimensional scaling with ALSCAL model” were used respectively. PCA was executed with both the classic five categories of Likert-type scores and the scores between 0 and 10 separately. Before analysis, some items were recoded in order to equalize the way of all items. Missing values were checked, and there was no serious missing data problem. Nor were there any outliers (max. Mahalanobis distance < χ2kritik=25). For the five-category Likert-type scale data, sampling is adequate (KMO=), and multiple correlations among variables are statistically significant (for Bartlett’s test of sphericity, χ2=, df= and p<). After the data reduction, 20 items with one factor could be identified as a structure. Communalities of each item are between and The eigenvalue of one factor is , and the total variance explained is 57%. Factor loadings are between and Similarly, for scoring 0 to 10, sampling is adequate (KMO=), and multiple correlations among variables are statistically significant (for Bartlett’s test of sphericity, χ2=, df= and p<). After the data reduction with varimax and oblique rotation, 20 items with two factors could be identified as a structure. The communalities of each item are between and The eigenvalue of the first factor is and second is Total variance explained for the first factor is %, the second is %, and the total is %. The correlation between factors is statistically significant an, shows a negative and moderate relationship (r= and p<). These items and factor loadings are shown in the Table 2. As seen at Table 2, 12 of 20 items are in the first factor and eight items are in the second factor. These eight items are the items with negative directions. The first factor was named “negative perception of exam and grade (NEGALGI)”, and the second factor was named “ethical value (ETIK)”. These two factors have negative correlations to each other (r= and p<). According to these, after standardization, students who have high ethical values also have lower levels of negative perception about exams and grades. Ergul DEMIR / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 75 () 43 Table 2 Factor Loadings for ACTS Items No. Item F1 F2 12 I'll copy answers when I get the chance. Having friends I know that get higher scores by copying answers, I 18 also have the ambition to copy answers. I think about copying answers for the examinations that I have not 20 prepared enough for. 38 Copying answers can be enough to pass the exam. 40 I feel compelled to copy answers myself in some lessons. It makes sense for me to copy answers in lessons that I will forget and 58 not use in the future. Even if I do not do it, it gives me confidence to know that I can copy 61 answers at the exam. It makes sense for me to copy answers to the questions I do not 64 know. 70 I will copy answers if I know I will not be punished. It makes more sense to copy answers when I memorize so much 78 information that will not work in my own life. 81 Anxiety about earning high grades pushes me to copy answers. 91 If I am not afraid of getting caught, I'll copy answers. 8 Copying answers makes a fool of a person. 16 I see copying answers as an unfair advantage. 19 I'm absolutely against copying answers. 33 Copying answers is disrespectful to the teacher's endeavors. 53 Copying answers is not my achievement but my deceit. 71 Defending copying answers is completely nonsense. I would like to take real deterrent measures to prevent students from 72 copying answers. 87 I believe that the copying answers is immoral behavior. Eigenvalue Total Variance Explained (%) After PCA, the multidimensional scaling ALSCAL model provides visual and supportive evidence of the structure. According to the Euclidean distances, item locations are shown in Graphic 1. 44 Ergul DEMIR / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 75 () Graphic 1. Item Distribution According to Multidimensional Scaling (ALSCAL) Euclidean Distances As seen in Graphic 1, items are clearly separated by two factors. In the right-hand graphic, eight items are on one factor and twelve items are on the other factor. Furthermore, in the left-hand graphics, these two factors show a linear relationship. Also, outputs of MDA-ALSCAL show that the model provides good-fit with high variance accounted for (Stress= and RSQ=). After the exploratory studies, “confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)” was conducted on the main application data. Graphic 2 shows the standardized values for each path. Graphic 2. Standardized Path Coefficients According to the Results of the CFA Ergul DEMIR / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 75 () 45 In Graphic 2, all paths are statistically significant (ti> and pi<). Standardized solutions of the errors are under Similar to the exploratory studies’ results, there are moderate and negative correlations between the factors. Also, goodness of fit statistics show at least acceptable model-data fit (χ2/sd=, RMSEA=, SRMR=, GFI=, NFI=, CFI=, ECVI Free model = and Saturated model=, AIC Free model= and Saturated Model=). Total Score Distributions and Descriptive Statistics The ACTS has 20 items, which are each scored between 0 and The available total scores are between 0 and In Table 3, the total score distributions and descriptive statistics are given for both trial and main applications. Table 3 ACTS Total Score Distributions and Descriptive Statistics Statistics Value Histogram Normal Q-Q Plot Mean 5% monash.pw Trial Application SE (Mean) Median 91 monash.pw Minimum 0 Maximum Skewness Kurtosis Mean 5% monash.pw Main Application SE (Mean) Median 74 monash.pw Minimum 0 Maximum Skewness Kurtosis As seen in Table 3, total scores distribute normally. The mean, trimmed mean, and median are close to each other. Skewness and kurtosis are between (-1, +1). Also, the graphics supporting the normality. 46 Ergul DEMIR / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 75 () Item Statistics and Item-Total Score Correlations The item statistics and item-total score correlations of the ACTS items were calculated for both trial and main application data. The results are given in Table 4. Table 4 Item Statistics and Item-Total Score Correlations of the ACTS Items Trial Application Main Application Item Mean Med. Std.D. Skew. Kurt. r Mean Med. Std.D. Skew. Kurt. r 12 5 ** 3 ** 18 4 ** 2 ** 20 5 ** 4 ** 38 5 ** 3 ** 40 5 ** 3 ** 58 5 ** 5 ** 61 5 ** 3 ** 64 5 ** 4 ** 70 5 ** 4 ** 78 5 ** 3 ** 81 5 ** 4 ** 91 5 ** 3 ** 8* 7 ** 8 ** 16* 8 ** 9 ** 19* 5 ** 6 ** 33* 7 ** 7 ** 53* 7 ** 8 ** 71* 5 ** 6 ** 72* 6 ** 6 ** 87* 6 ** 7 ** * Second factor items were recoded before the estimations. **p< As seen in Table 4, trial and main application results are similar. Item means and medians are close to each other. Skewness values are between (-1, +1). Kurtosis values are mostly under -1, but between (, +). Tabachnick and Fidel (, p) stated that non-strong skewness and kurtosis violations cannot lead the difference for the statistics in large samples. As a result, item scores show reasonable normality. Also, all item-total score correlations are significant at the level of This is strong evidence of the discriminative validity of the items and the test. Ergul DEMIR / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 75 () 47 Reliability Studies For the reliability of the ACTS, first α inconsistency coefficients were calculated for both trial and main applications. If there is no violation of normality, α is an available estimation. The results are given in Table 5. Table 5 α Coefficients for the ACTS Trial Application Main Application Factors k n α n α Negative perception of exams and grades (NEGALGI) 12 Ethical value (ETIK) 8 Total 20 As seen in Table 5, the inconsistency of the ACTS is very high for both the factor level and the total test. Besides the inconsistency estimates, the test–retest reliability was considered. Test–retest application was conducted with 95 students in December of after two weeks from the main application. There was no normality violation, and the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was used to estimate. Results show that the ACTS has a high level of test–retest reliability (r= ve p<). Classification Accuracy In the trial and main applications of the ACTS, participants were asked whether they copied answers, gave answers for others to copy, and/or witnessed answer- copying. Similar results were obtained from both the trial and main applications. So, just the main application data was considered for further analysis. Table 6 Taking, Giving, and Witnessing the Answer-Copying among Undergraduates I did I gave I witnessed n % n % n % Yes No Total As seen in Table 6, most of the students stated that they did not copy answers (%) or did not gave answers for others to copy (%). On the other hand, the vast majority stated that they witnessed answer-copying (%). The proportion of copying answers (%) was more than giving answers for others to copy (%). As validity evidence, it is expected that the ACTS can classify students according to their answer-copying positions. For this purpose, “discriminant function analysis (DFA)” was used. A total of four discriminant models were identified depending on the 48 Ergul DEMIR / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 75 () answer-copying positions and ACTS factors. Before the analyses, the main assumptions were checked. As mentioned before, there are no violations about missignes, outliers, and normalities. Furthermore, the homogeneity of the variance- covariance matrices was checked by using Box’s M statistics. These values are not significant at the level of , and there is no violation (Hair, Black, Babin, & Anderson, , p). Descriptive statistics for each model are given in Table 7. And the test result for group differences and canonical discriminant functions are given in Table 8. Table 7 Descriptive Statistics for Classification Models Model Predictor(s) Grouping Variable n Mean monash.pw 1a ACTS_Total Answer-Copying Yes No Total 2b ACTS_NEGALGI Answer-Copying Yes No Total ACTS _ETIK Answer-Copying Yes No Total 3c ACTS _Total Giving answer-copy Yes No Total 4d ACTS _NEGALGI Giving answer-copy Yes No Total ACTS _ETIK Giving answer-copy Yes No Total aBox’ M=, F=, df1=1, df2= and p= bBox’ M=, F=, df1=3, df2= and p= cBox’ M=, F=, df1=1, df2= and p= dBox’ M=, F=, df1=1, df2= and p= Table 8 Test Results for Group Difference and Canonical Discriminant Functions Equality of group means Canonical Discriminant Functions Model Predictors Wilks Wilks Eigen Cann. F df1 df2 p χ2 df p ’λ ’λ value Corr. 1 ACTS_Total 1 1 ACTS_NEGALGI 1 2 2 ACTS_ETIK 1 3 ACTS _Total 1 1 ACTS _NEGALGI 1 4 2 ACTS _ETIK 1 Ergul DEMIR / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 75 () 49 As seen in Table 8, each model shows significant group differences. Also, each model is statistically significant. After that, the maximum chance criteria were calculated according to the recommendation of Tabachnick and Fidel (, p) for unequal group sizes. The proportions of the correct classifications and related criteria are given in Table 9. Table 9 Proportions of the Correct Classifications and Maximum Chance Criteria Model Correct Classification Maximum Chance (%) (%) 1 2 3 4 As seen in Table 9, each model provides correct classifications beyond chance. For 1st and 2nd models, this ratio is higher. It is expected that the correct classification values should be higher, at least over 10% of maximum chance values (Hair et al.., , p). According to this criteria, all models have high power for classifications. As a result, the ACTS can predict significantly both answer-copying and giving the answers to copy. Differential Item Functioning Studies DIF studies for the ACTS were conducted on the main application data. Gender sub-groups and faculties are considered the group variable. For gender, females were defined as the reference group (n=, %), and males were defined as the focal group (n=, %). For faculties, education faculties were defined as the reference group (n=, %), and other faculties were defined as the focal group (n=, %). “Logistic Ordinal Regression Differential Item Functioning using IRT (lordif)” (Choi, Gibbons, & Crane, ) was used for the estimations. This technique was developed for polythomous items and based on IRT with GPCM or GRM models. Both uniform and nonuniform DIF can be detected. DIF results for the ACTS are given in Table 10 and Table 50 Ergul DEMIR / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 75 () Table 10 DIF Results for Gender Sub-Groups Obtained with lordif* Probability Cox & Snell Nagelkerke McFadden β12 χ χ χ R R R R R R R R R 1 0e+00 2 4e 3 0e+00 4 1e 5 0e+00 6 0e+00 7 1e 8 2e 9 1e 10 7e 11 2e 12 0e+00 13 2e 14 5e 15 5e 16 0e+00 17 0e+00 18 4e 19 1e 20 1e *Replication=, α=, ΔR2 =, Δβ= As seen in Table 10, except the 15th item, there is no significant DIF. The 15th item shows DIF with all χ2 , R2 , and β values. These differences are observed between the 1st-2nd and 1st-3rd models. So, it is possible that DIF should be uniform. The 15th item of the ACTS is “defending copying answers is completely nonsense”. Distributions of females’ and males’ responses with their tendency levels (θ) are given in Graphic 3. Graphic 3. Females’ (Reference) and Males’ (Focal) Responses with their Tendency Levels (θ) in the 15th Item of the ACTS Ergul DEMIR / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 75 () 51 As seen in Graphic 3, at each θ level, females are located in the middle, whereas males have different locations. At the lower θ levels, males show more admittance to the 15th item. At the higher θ levels, the opposite is the case. This can show real differences between the gender sub-groups. Indeed, some research reported that males are more prone to cheating and copying (Crown & Spiller, ; Genereux & McLeod, ; Selçuk, ; Whitley, ). If there is a real difference in the 15th item, it can be stated that the ACTS has no DIF between gender sub-groups. Table 11 DIF Results for Faculty Sub-Groups Obtained with lordif* Probability Cox & Snell Nagelkerke McFadden β12 χ χ χ R R R R R R R R R 1 7e 2 1e 3 0e+00 4 0e+00 5 1e 6 0e+00 7 1e 8 0e+00 9 8e 10 5e 11 3e 12 3e 13 2e 14 0e+00 15 0e+00 16 0e+00 17 0e+00 18 0e+00 19 6e 20 1e *Replication=, α=, ΔR2 =, Δβ= As seen in Table 11, there is no DIF on any items except the 5th item. The 5th item shows DIF according to the χ2 values. It is known that χ2 is affected by sample size (Tabachnick & Fidel, ; Hair et al., ). On the other hand, the R2 and β values are very small and close to 0. This shows that there are no significant DIF on the items of the ACTS. Discussion and Conclusions In this study, it was thought that the answer-copying tendency would be one of the indicators of the answer-copying behaviors. It is highly possible that the students with higher levels of tendency will be answer-copying. It is obvious that the statistical detection techniques couldn’t provide exact solutions. These known techniques need initial response patterns for defining the suspicious focal group of answer-copying. 52 Ergul DEMIR / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 75 () Therefore, we need such indirect solutions at least in order to understand the nature of answer-copying. The “Answer-Copying Tendency Scale in University Students (ACTS)” was developed within this context. Unlike similar examples, it was studied on large groups and used more comprehensive techniques to obtain psychometric evidence. Results show that the validity and reliability levels of the ACTS are very high. The ACTS can be used to understand the nature of answer copying. Also, and more importantly, it is thought that the ACTS can be used to define suspicious answer patterns for prior distributions. References Aaron, R.M. (). Student academic dishonesty: Are collegiate institutions addressing the issue? NASPA Journal, 29(2), Aaron, R.M., & Georgia, R.T. (). Administrator perceptions of student academic dishonesty in collegiate institutions. NASPA Journal, 31(2), Angoff, W.H. (). The development of statistical indices for detecting cheaters. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 69, 44– Bolin, A.U. (). Self-control, perceived opportunity, and attitudes as predictors of academic dishonesty. The Journal of Psychology, (2), Burke, J. L. (). Faculty perceptions of and attitudes toward academic dishonesty at a two year college. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Georgia. Choi, S.W., Gibbons, L.E., & Crane, P.K. (). Lordif: An R package for detecting differential item functioning using iterative hybrid ordinal logistic regression/item response theory and Monte Carlo simulations. Journal of Statistical Software, 39(8), Crown, D.F., & Spiller, M.S. (). Learning from the literature on collegiate cheating: A review of empirical research. Journal of Business Ethics, 17, DeVellis, R.F. (). Scale development, theory and applications (Second edition). Sage Publication, Inc. Dwyer, D.J., & Hecht, J.B. (). Cheating detection: Statistical, legal and policy implications. Illinois State University. Eminoglu, E., & Nartgun, Z. (). Universite ogrencilerinin akademik sahtekarlık egilimlerinin olculmesine yonelik bir olcek gelistirme calısması [A scale development study to measure academic dishonesty tendency of university students]. Uluslararası Insan Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(1), Ergul DEMIR / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 75 () 53 Frary, R.B., Tideman, T.N., &Watts, T.M. (). Indices of cheating on multiple-choice tests. Journal of Educational Statistics, 6, – Gardner, W.M. & Kenneth, B.M. (). A scale for measuring attitude toward cheating. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 26(5), Genereux, R.L., & McLeod, B.A. (). Circumstances surrounding cheating: A questionnaire study of college students. Research in Higher Education, 36(6), Gerdeman, R.D. (). 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(). What we know about cheating in college: Longitudinal trends and recent developments. Change, 28(1), McCabe, D.L., & Trevino, L.K. (). Individual and contextual influences on academic dishonesty: A multi-campus investigation. Research in Higher Education, 38(3), Mullens, A. (). Cheating to win. University Affairs, 41(10), Ozturk, B. & Yesilyaprak, B. (). Universite ogrencilerinin kopya cekme olayına iliskin tutumları [Attitudes of the university students toward copying]. Egitim Yonetimi, 3(2), Selcuk, Z. (). Bir egitim ve rehberlik sorunu: Okullarda kopya cekme [An education and consultansy problem: Copying in schools]. Kuram ve Uygulamada Egitim Yonetimi, 1(3), 54 Ergul DEMIR / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 75 () Tabachnick, B.G., & Fidell, L.S. (). Using multivariate statistics (sixth edition). New Jersey, USA: Pearson Education. van der Linden, W.J., & Sotaridona, L.S. (). Detecting answer copying when the regular response process follows a known response model. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 31(3), – Wesolowsky, G. (). Detecting excessive similarity in answers on multiple choice exams. Journal of Applied Statistics, 27(7), Whitley Jr, B.E. (). Factors associated with cheating among college students: A review. Research in Higher Education, 39(3), Wollack, J.A. (). A nominal response model approach to detect answer copying. Applied Psychological Measurement, 21, – Appendix A. Kopya Çekme Eğilimleri Ölçeği (KÇE) [Answer-Copying Tendency Scale in University Students (ACTS)] Aşağıdaki ifadelere katılma düzeylerinize 0 (hiç katılmıyorum) ile 10 (tamamen katılıyorum) arasında puan veriniz. [Point your participation levels below between 0 (I do not agree) and 10 (I fully agree).] Katılma Düzeyiniz [Participation Level] Kopya çekmek, insanın kendisini kandırmasıdır. [Copying answers makes a 1* fool of a person.] Fırsatını yakaladığım durumlarda kopya çekerim. [I'll copy answers when I 2 get the chance.] Kopya çekmeyi haksız bir kazanç olarak görüyorum. [I see copying answers 3* as an unfair advantage.] Kopya çekerek yüksek puanlar aldığını bildiğim arkadaşların olması bende 4 de kopya çekme hırsı uyandırıyor. [Having friends I know that get higher scores by copying answers, I also have the ambition to copy answers.] Kopya çekilmesine kesinlikle karşıyım. [I'm absolutely against copying 5* answers.] Yeterince hazırlanamadığım sınavlarda kopya çekmeyi düşünürüm. [I 6 think about copying answers for the examinations that I have not prepared enough for.] Kopya çekmek, öğretmenin emeğine saygısızlıktır. [Copying answers is 7* disrespectful to the teacher's endeavors.] Dersi geçmeye yetecek kadar kopya çekilebilir. [Copying answers can be 8 enough to pass the exam.] Bazı derslerde kendimi kopya çekmeye mecbur hissediyorum. [I feel 9 compelled to copy answers myself in some lessons.] Ergul DEMIR / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 75 () 55 Kopya çekmem benim başarımı değil hilekârlığımı gösterir. [Copying 10* answers is not my achievement but my deceit.] Zaten unutacağım ve ileride kullanmayacağım konuları içeren derslerde 11 kopya çekmek bana mantıklı geliyor. [It makes sense for me to copy answers in lessons that I will forget and not use in the future.] Çekmesem bile sınavda kopya çekebilecek olduğumu bilmek bana güven 12 verir. [Even if I do not do it, it gives me confidence to know that I can copy answers at the exam.] Bilmediğim konulardan gelen sorularda kopya çekmek bana makul geliyor. 13 [It makes sense for me to copy answers to the questions I do not know.] Herhangi bir ceza almayacağımı bilsem kopya çekerim. [I will copy answers 14 if I know I will not be punished.] Kopya çekmenin savunulması tamamen saçmalıktır. [Defending copying 15* answers is completely nonsense.] Kopya çekilmesini önlemeye yönelik gerçekten caydırıcı önlemler alınmasını 16* istiyorum. [I would like to take real deterrent measures to prevent students from copying answers.] İşime yaramayacak onca bilgiyi ezberleyeceğime kopya çekmek daha 17 mantıklı geliyor. [It makes more sense to copy answers when I memorize so much information that will not work in my own life.] Not kaygısı beni kopya çekmeye itiyor. [Anxiety about earning high grades 18 pushes me to copy answers.] Kopya çekmenin ahlak dışı bir davranış olduğuna inanıyorum. [I believe that 19* the copying answers is immoral behavior.] Yakalanma korkum olmasa kopya çekerim. [If I am not afraid of getting 20 caught, I'll copy answers.] *İkinci faktöre (ETIK) ait maddelerdir. Ölçek toplam puanı için ters kodlanması gerekir. [Belongs to the second factor (ETIK). Should be recode for total score.] Potansiyel Bir Hata Kaynağı Olarak Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Kopya Çekme Eğilimlerinin Ölçülmesi: Bir Ölçek Geliştirme Çalışması Atıf: Demir, E. (). As a potential source of error, measuring the tendency of university students to copy the answers: A scale development study. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 75 (), , DOI: /ejer Özet Problem Durumu: Kopya çekmeyi de içeren akademik sahtekarlık okullarda giderek daha önemli bir sorun haline gelmektedir. Bu sorun, sınıf büyüklüklerinin artırılması ve öğretim kaynaklarının azaltılması ile artmaktadır. Kopya çekmenin tespit edilmesi 56 Ergul DEMIR / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 75 () için bazı istatistiksel teknikler olmasına rağmen, bunlar sınırlıdır ve ancak bir hata, olası bir hata kaynağı veya bir olasılık gösterebilmektedir. Kopya çekmenin yapısını ve doğasını anlamak için bir başka yol, tutumlar ya da eğilimler gibi ilişkili diğer faktörleri dikkate almaktır. Çalışma ahlakı yüksek olan, sınav kaygısı düşük olan, öz- benlik saygısı yüksek olan vb. öğrencilerin daha az kopya çektiği gözlenmektedir. Diğer taraftan kopya çekmenin yaygınlaşması, normal bir davranış olarak görülmesi ve kabul edilmesi durumlarında, kopya çekme davranışları daha sık görülmektedir. Pek çok çalışmada öğrencilerin sahtekarlık ya da kopya çekmeye yönelik görüş ve önerileri, ancak anketler aracılığıyla gözlenmiştir. Ölçek düzeyinde olan yani toplam puan alınabilen çok az sayıda araç vardır. Bu araçların kullanımı ve erişimi oldukça sınırlıdır. Ayrıca bu araçların genellikle, küçük ve sınırlı gruplarda geliştirildiği görülmektedir. Kapsamları geniştir. Çoğunluğu, geçerlik ve güvenirlik düzeylerine yönelik az sayıda kanıt içermektedir. Çoğunlukla bu araçlar geliştireli çok zaman geçmiştir. Anlaşıldığı üzere, uzun süredir konu üzerinde çalışılıyor olmasına ragmen, geçerli ve güvenilir araçlara olan ihtiyaç devam etmektedir. Araştırmanın Amacı: Bu çalışmanın amacı, üniversite öğrencilerinin kopya çekme eğilimlerini gözlemlemek için ölçek olarak geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçme aracı geliştirmektir. Ayrıca, daha kapsamlı geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışmaları ile kanıt sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Araştırmanın Yöntemi: Bu bir ölçek geliştirme çalışmasıdır. “Klasik Test Teorisi” altında “Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Kopya Çekme Eğilimi Ölçeği (KÇE)” geliştirilmiştir. Ayrıca diğer teoriler, özellikle “Madde Tepki Kuramı” da dikkate alınmıştır. Ön çalışmalar ve madde yazıma çalışmalarında, 80 civarı öğrenciden kopya çekmeye yönelik görüşlerini kompozisyon biçiminde yazmaları istenmiş, bu dokumanlar analiz edilerek maddeden oluşan bir taslak form oluşturulmuştur. Bu form eğitim bilimleri alanında çalışan 6 akademisyenin görüşlerine sunulmuştur. Görüşler doğrultusunda gerekli düzenlemeler yapılarak 93 maddelik deneme formu oluşturulmuştur. Bu çalışmalardan sonra öğrenci ile deneme uygulaması ve öğrenci ile ana uygulamalar yapılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler kullanılarak, yapı geçerliği, madde ve test betimsel istatistikleri, madde ayırıcılıkları, içtutarlılık ve test-tekrar test güvenirliği, sınıflandırma doğruluğu ve değişen madde fonksiyonu ile madde yanlılığı incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın Bulguları: Deneme ve esas uygulama verileri üzerinde ayrı ayrı yürütülen “Temel Bileşenler Analizi (TBA)” sonuçları birbirini destekler niteliktedir. Bu sonuçlara göre KÇE, 2 faktör ve 20 maddeden oluşmaktadır. İlk faktör 12 maddeden oluşmaktadır ve “negatif sınav ve not algısı (NEGALGI)” olarak tanımlanmıştır. İkinci faktör 8 maddeden oluşmaktadır ve “etik değerler (ETIK)” olarak tanımlanmıştır. Açıklanan varyans yüzdeleri, birinci faktör için %, ikinci faktör için % ve toplamda %’dir. Bu faktörler arasında negatif yönlü ve orta düzey bir ilişki Ergul DEMIR / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 75 () 57 bulunmaktadır (r= ve p<). TBA’nın yanı sıra hem destekleyici kanıt sağlamak hem görsel sunum sağlamak için ALSCAL tekniği ile Öklit uzaklıklarına dayalı çok boyutlu ölçekleme çalışması da yapılmıştır. Elde edilen saçılma grafikleri de yapının belirgin bir şekilde 2 boyuttan oluştuğunu göstermiştir. KÇE’de her bir madde 0 ile 10 arasında puanlanmaktadır. Toplam puanlar 0 ile arasında değişmektedir. Toplam puanlar ve madde puanlarına yönelik dağılımlar, normaldir. Ayrıca madde- toplam puan korelasyonlarına yönelik olarak madde ayırıcılıkları, çok yüksek ve 0,40'ın üzerinde gözlenmiştir. Güvenirlik çalışmaları olarak iki ayrı yöntem kullanımıştır. Öncelikle hem deneme uygulaması hem esas uygulama verileri üzerinde, hem test geneli hem faktörler düzeyinde α içtutarlılık katsayıları hesaplanmıştır. Bu değerler; deneme uygulaması sonuçlarına göre birinci faktör için , ikinci faktör için ve ölçek geneli için ; esas uygulama sonuçlarına göre ise sırasıyla , ve ’tir. Bu değerler çok yüksek güvenirlik düzeylerine işaret etmektedir. Ayrıca esas uygulamaya katılan 95 öğrenciye tekrar test uygulaması yapılarak test-tekrar test güvenirliği hesaplanmıştır. Bu değer de 'tür ve yüksek düzeyde güvenirliğe işaret etmektedir. Bir diğer inceleme olarak KÇE’nin öğrencileri kopya çekme ve kopya verme durumlarına göre ne düzeyde doğru sınıflandırabildiği “Diskriminant Fonksiyon Analizi” ile analiz edilmiştir. Bu kapsamda test edilen dört ayrı modelde de yüksek sınıflama doğrlukları elde edilmiştir. Madde yanlılığı çalışmaları her bir madde düzeyinde değişen madde fonksiyonlaşması incelenerek yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla, çok kategorili maddelere yönelik olarak MTK’ya dayalı bir şekilde geliştirilmiş “lordif” tekniği kullanılmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre maddeler üzerinde manidar ve ciddi düzeyde bir DIF gözlenmemiştir. Araştırmanın Sonuçları ve Önerileri: Bu çalışmada ana hipotez, kopya çekme eğiliminin kopya çekme davranışlarının bir göstergesi olacağı yönündeydi. Daha yüksek düzeyde bir eğilime sahip olan öğrencilerin, kopya çekme davranışı göstermeleri olasılığı yüksektir. İstatistiksel tespit teknikleri kesin çözümler sağlayamadığından, kopya çekmenin doğasını anlamak için en azından bu tür dolaylı çözümlere ihtiyacımız var. Bu kapsamda bu çalışmada “Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Kopya Çekme Eğilim Ölçeği (KÇE)” geliştirilmiştir. Benzer örneklerden farklı olarak, bu çalışmada büyük gruplar üzerinde çalışılmış ve kanıt elde etmek için daha kapsamlı teknikler kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlar, KÇE'nin geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik düzeylerinin çok yüksek olduğunu göstermektedir. KÇE, kopya çekmenin doğasını anlamak için kullanılabilir. Ayrıca ve daha önemlisi, KÇE'nin kopya belirleme tekniklerinin öncül dağılımları için şüpheli cevap örüntülerini tespit etmek amacıyla da kullanılabileceği düşünülmektedir. Anahtar Sözcükler: kopya çekme eğilimi, sahtekarlık, ölçek geliştirme, kopya-belirleme

Sıra NoYayının, Raporun Tam AdıYazarıDiliYayınlanma tarihiYayının türüAnahtar kelimelerRapora, yayına erişme adresi1Emerging Adulthood: The Winding Road from the Late Teens through the Twenties Jeffrey Jensen Arnett İngilizceKitapAdolescence, Transition to adulthood, Young adulthood2Preventing mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders among young people: Progress and possibilitiesMary Ellen O'Connell, Kenneth E. WarnerİngilizceKitapMental health Health, Behavioral disorders 3Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American TeenagersChristian Smith, Melinda Lundquist DentonİngilizceKitapAdolescence, Religion 4It's complicated: The social lives of networked teensDanah BoydİngilizceKitapSocial media, Communication 5Inclusive masculinity: The changing nature of masculinitiesEric AndersonİngilizceKitapGender6Violent Video Game Effects on Children and Adolescents: Theory, Research, and Public PolicyCraig A. Anderson, Douglas A. Gentile, Katherine E. BuckleyİngilizceKitapAggression, Violence, Adolescence7Liberty: Thriving and civic engagement among America's youthRichard M. LernerİngilizceKitapCivic engagement, Engagement8Globalization, Uncertainty and Youth in Society: The Losers in a Globalizing WorldMelinda Mills, Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Erik Klijzing, Karin KurzİngilizceKitapGlobalization9Revolutionizing education: Youth participatory action research in motionMichelle Fine, Julio CammarotaİngilizceKitapEducation10Disconnected youth?: Growing up in Britain’s poor in neighbourhoods R. MacDonald  , J. MarshİngilizceKitapSocial exclusion, Poverty11Violence and serious theft: Development and prediction from childhood to adulthood Rolf Loeber, Helene Raskin WhiteİngilizceKitapCrime, Health, Violence12Translating childhoods: Immigrant youth, language, and cultureMarjorie Faulstich OrellanaİngilizceKitapMigrant, Migration, Culture13Psychotherapy for children and adolescents: Evidence-based treatments and case examples
John R. WeiszİngilizceKitapMental health, Health, Adolescence14The Declining Significance of Homophobia: How Teenage Boys are Redefining Masculinity and HeterosexualityMark H. McCormackİngilizceKitapGender15Growing up global: The changing transitions to adulthood in developing countriesCynthia B. LloydİngilizceKitapGlobalization, Transition to adulthood16Transgenderism and intersexuality in childhood and adolescence: Making choicesPeggy T. Cohen-Kettenis, Friedemann PfafflinİngilizceKitapGender, Adolescence, LGBT 17Organized activities as contexts of development: Extracurricular activities, after school and community programsJoseph L. Mahoney, Reed LarsonİngilizceKitapDevelopment 18Dying to be Men: Youth, masculinity and social exclusion
Gary BarkerİngilizceKitapGender, Social exclusion19Globalization: Culture and education in the new millenniumMarcelo Suarez-Orozco, Desiree B. Qin-Hilliard  İngilizceKitapGlobalization, Education, Culture20Juvenile Justice in the MakingDavid S. TanenhausİngilizceKitapLaw, Justice 21White kids: Language, race, and styles of youth identity
Mary BucholtzİngilizceKitapIdentity22The Japanese Employment System: Adapting to a New Economic EnvironmentMarcus E. RebickİngilizceKitapEmployment, Labor market 23Good kids from bad neighborhoodsDelbert S. Elliott, Scott Menard, Bruce Rankin, Amanda Elliott, William Julius Wilson, David HuizingaİngilizceKitapPoverty, Development 24Global youth?: Hybrid identities, plural worldsPam Nilan, Carles FeixaİngilizceKitapGlobalization, Identity 25Spatial theories of education: Policy and geography mattersColin Symes, Kalervo N. GulsonİngilizceKitapEducation 26Adolescents, Parents and Social Development: How Teens Construct Their WorldsJudith G. Smetana İngilizceKitapDevelopment, Family, Adolescence27Beyond resistance!: Youth activism and community change: New democratic possibilities for practice and policy for America's youthShawn Ginwright , Pedro Noguera  , Julio Cammarota  İngilizceKitapCivic engagement, Engagement, Urban youth
28Handbook of Research on Civic Engagement in YouthLonnie R. Sherrod , Judith Torney-Purta  , Constance A. Flanagan  İngilizceKitapCivic engagement, Engagement, Education, Development 29Transitions from Education to Work in Europe: The Integration of Youth into EU Labour MarketsWalter Müller, Markus Gangl  İngilizceKitapEducation, Employment, Labor market, School-to-work transition30Narrative and the Politics of Identity: The Cultural Psychology of Israeli and Palestinian Youth
Phillip L. Hammack İngilizceKitapIdentity, Cultural psychology31Believing in Belonging: Belief and Social Identity in the Modern WorldAbby Day İngilizceKitapReligion, Identity32Fitting in, standing out : Navigating the social challenges of high school to get an education
Robert Crosnoe İngilizceKitapEducation33Lost in Transition: Youth, work, and instability in postindustrial Japan Mary C. BrintonİngilizceKitapEmployment, Labor market34Right to be hostile: Schools, prisons, and the making of public enemiesErica R. MeinersİngilizceKitapEducation35Community Treatment for Youth: Evidence-Based Interventions for Severe Emotional and Behavioral DisordersBarbara J. Burns   , Kimberly Hoagwood  İngilizceKitapBehavioral disorders, Family, Mental health, Health 36It's all for the kids: Gender, families, and youth sportsMichael MessnerİngilizceKitapGender, Family, Sports37Youth violence: Sex and race differences in offending, victimization, and gang membershipFinn-Aage Esbensen, Dana Peterson, Terrance J. Taylor, Adrienne FrengİngilizceKitap Violence, Gang youth38Generations and globalization: Youth, age, and family in the new world economy
JENNIFER COLE, DEBORAH DURHAM İngilizceKitapGeneration, Family, Globalization, Economy39The age of consent: Young people, sexuality and citizenship
Matthew WaitesİngilizceKitapSexuality, Law, Citizenship40Teenagers' citizenship: Experiences and education
Susie WellerİngilizceKitapEducation, Citizenship41Additive schooling in subtractive times: Bilingual education and dominican immigrant youth in the heights Lesley Bartlett , Ofelia Garcia İngilizceKitapEducation, Migration, Migrant 42Children caring for parents with HIV and AIDS: Global issues and policy responses
Ruth Evans, Saul Becker İngilizceKitapHealth, Care43American Juvenile JusticeFranklin E. ZimringİngilizceKitapLaw, Justice, Crime44Young people and everyday multiculturalism
 Anita HarrisİngilizceKitapUrban youth, Multiculturalism45Hope is cut: Youth, unemployment, and the future in Urban Ethiopia
Daniel Mains İngilizceKitapEmployment, Unemployment, Urban youth 46Adolescents and war: How youth deal with political violence
Brian K BarberİngilizceKitapViolence, War, Adolescence47Youth soccer: From Science to Performance Thomas Reilly and Dave RichardsonİngilizceKitapSports48Straight edge: Clean-living youth, hardcore punk, and social changeRoss HaenflerİngilizceKitapIdentity49Asian American Youth: Culture, identity and ethnicityMin Zhou, Jennifer LeeİngilizceKitapIdentity, Culture, Ethnic Identity50Adolescent coping: Advances in theory, research and practice
Erica FrydenbergİngilizceKitapAdolescence51A Faith of Their Own: Stability and Change in the Religiosity of America's Adolescents
Lisa Pearce and Melinda Lundquist DentonİngilizceKitapReligion, Adolescence52Wired youth: The social world of adolescence in the information age
Gustavo Mesch and Ilan TalmudİngilizceKitapCommunication, Adolescence53After-school centers and youth development: Case studies of success and failure
Barton J. Hirsch and Nancy L. DeutschİngilizceKitapDevelopment54Engaging young people in civic life
James Youniss and Peter LevineİngilizceKitapCivic engagement, Engagement, Education55Music and youth culture
Dan LaugheyİngilizceKitapYouth culture, Culture, Music56Respect yourself, protect yourself: Latina girls and sexual identity
Lorena Garcia İngilizceKitapGender, Sexual Identity57The internet generation: Engaged citizens or political dropouts
Henry MilnerİngilizceKitapCitizenship, Civic engagement, Engagement, Internet58The long shadow family: Background, disadvantaged urban youth, and the transition to Adulthood
Karl Alexander, Doris Entwisle, Linda Olson İngilizceKitapUrban youth, Transition to adulthood, Family59Informal learning in youth workJanet BatsleerİngilizceKitapEducation, Employment60The handbook of international school psychology
Shane R. Jimerson, Thomas D. Oakland, Peter Thomas Farrell İngilizceKitapEducation61Language across difference: Ethnicity, communication, and youth identities in changing urban schools
Django Paris İngilizceKitapUrban youth, Identity, Ethnic Identity62Lonely children and adolescents: Self-perceptions, social exclusion, and hope
Malka MargalitİngilizceKitapSocial exclusion, Adolescence63Sexuality in adolescence: Current trends: Second edition
Susan M. Moore, Doreen A. Rosenthal İngilizceKitapGender, Sexuality, Adolescence64Youth cultures: Scenes, subcultures and tribes
Paul Hodkinson , Wolfgang Deicke İngilizceKitapYouth culture, Culture, Subculture65National identity and globalization: Youth, state, and society in post-Soviet Eurasia
Douglas W. Blum İngilizceKitapGlobalization, Identity66Students: A gendered history
Carol DyhouseİngilizceKitapGender, Education67Learning in the global era: International perspectives on globalization and education
Marcelo Suarez-Orozco  İngilizceKitapGlobalization, Education68Diagnosing 'disorderly' children: A critique of behaviour disorder discourses
Valerie Harwood İngilizceKitapBehavioral disorders , Mental health, Health69Bridging Multiple Worlds: Cultures, Identities, and Pathways to College
Catherine R. Cooper İngilizceKitapEducation, Migration, Poverty, Identity, Culture70Debating Emerging Adulthood: Stage or Process?
Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, Marion Kloep, Leo B. HendryİngilizceKitapTransition to adulthood71Rebel girls: Youth activism and social change across the Americas
Jessica K. Taft İngilizceKitapCivic engagement, Activism72Human development and political violenceColette Daiute İngilizceKitapViolence, War73Geographies of alternative education: Diverse learning spaces for children and young people
Peter Kraftl   İngilizceKitapEducation74The next generation: Immigrant youth in a comparative perspectiveMary C. Waters, Richard AlbaİngilizceKitapMigration, Migrant 75Urban youth in China: Modernity, the internet and the self
Fengshu LiuİngilizceKitapUrban youth, Internet76Children, young people and social inclusion: Participation for what?
John Davis, Malcolm Hill, Kay Tisdall, Alan Prout İngilizceKitapSocial inclusion, Engagement77Approaches to positive youth development
Rainer K. Silbereisen, Richard M. Lerner İngilizceKitapPositive youth development78Juvenile delinquency in Europe and beyond: Results of the second international self-report delinquency study
Martin Killias, Majone Steketee, D. Enzmann, Ineke Marshall, Josine Junger-Tas, Beata GruszczynskaİngilizceKitapCrime79America's teenagers--myths and realities: Media images, schooling, and the social costs of careless indifference
Sharon L. Nichols, Thomas L. Good İngilizceKitapCulture, Media80Youth cultures: Scenes, subcultures and tribesPaul Hodkinson, Wolfgang DeickeİngilizceKitapCulture, Subculture, Youth culture81National identity and globalization: Youth, state, and society in post-Soviet Eurasia
Douglas W. BlumİngilizceKitapGlobalization, Identity, Culture82Handbook for working with children and youth: Pathways to resilience across cultures and contexts
Michael Ungar  İngilizceKitapResilience83We fight to win: Inequality and the politics of youth activism
Hava Rachel GordonİngilizceKitapActivism, Engagement, Inequality84Queer youth suicide, culture and identity: Unliveable lives?
 Rob CoverİngilizceKitapGender, Identity, Culture, Queer, Health85Negotiating political identities: Multiethnic schools and youth in Europe
Daniel FaasİngilizceKitapIdentity 86Being Young and Muslim: New Cultural Politics in the Global South and North
Asef Bayat, Linda HerreraİngilizceKitapCulture87Hip hop Africa: New African music in a globalizing world
Eric S. CharryİngilizceKitapGlobalization, Culture, Music88The life and death of secondary education for all
Richard PringİngilizceKitapEducation89The hip-hop generation fights back: Youth, activism, and post-civil rights politics
Andreana ClayİngilizceKitapCulture, Activism90Designing Digital Experiences for Positive Youth Development: From Playpen to Playground
Marina Umaschi BersİngilizceKitapDevelopment91Drop that knowledge: Youth radio storiesElisabeth Soep, Vivian ChavezİngilizceKitapCulture92Choosing to labour?: School-work transitions and social class
Wolfgang Lehmann İngilizceKitapSchool-to-work transition, Labor market, Class, Employment93The many faces of youth crime: Contrasting theoretical perspectives on juvenile delinquency across countries and culturesJosine Junger-Tas, D. Enzmann, Martin Killias, Majone Steketee, Beata Gruszczynska, Ineke MarshallİngilizceKitapCrime94Bullying: A Guide to Research, Intervention, and Prevention
Faye Mishna İngilizceKitapBullying, Peer relationship 95Youth gangs in international perspective: Results from the Eurogang Program of Research Finn-Aage Esbensen, Cheryl L. MaxsonİngilizceKitapCrime, Gang youth96The Child as Musician: A Handbook of Musical Development
Gary McPhersonİngilizceKitapDevelopment, Adolescence, Music97Sells like teen spirit: Music, youth culture, and social crisis
Gary McPhersonİngilizceKitapCulture, Youth culture, Music98Young people making a life
Wierenga, AniİngilizceKitapWell-being, Employment, Citizenship99Pride in the projects: Teens building identities in urban contextsNancy L. DeutschİngilizceKitapUrban youth, IdentityFight, flight, or chill: Subcultures, youth, and rave into the twenty-first century
Brian WilsonİngilizceKitapCulture, Subculture, Youth cultureYoung people's voices in physical education and youth sport
Mary O'SullivanİngilizceKitapSportsPartisan publics: Communication and contention across brazilian youth activist networks
Ann MischeİngilizceKitapActivism, Civic engagement, EngagementThe development of judgment and decision making in children and adolescents
Janis E. Jacobs, Paul A. KlaczynskiİngilizceKitapDevelopment, AdolescenceNot-so-nuclear families: Class, gender, and networks of careKaren HansenİngilizceKitapFamily, Care, ClassReligious and sexual identities: A multi-faith exploration of young adults Sarah-Jane Page, Andrew Kam-Tuck YipİngilizceKitapGender, Religion, Identity, Sexual IdentityYouth crime and youth culture in the inner city
Bill SandersİngilizceKitapCrime, Identity, Youth cultureYouth media
Bill OsgerbyİngilizceKitapMedia, CultureYouth in Crisis? ‘gangs’, Territoriality and Violence
Barry GoldsonİngilizceKitapCrime, Violence, Gang youthUnderstanding and assessing trauma in children and adolescents: Measures, methods, and youth in context
Kathleen NaderİngilizceKitapAdolescence, Health, Mental healthMigrant youth, transnational families, and the state: Care and contested interestsLauren HeidbrinkİngilizceKitapMigration, Migrant, CareYouth transitions, international student mobility and spatial reflexivity: Being mobile?
David Cairns İngilizceKitapEducationFalling back: Incarceration and transitions to adulthood among urban youth
Jamie J. FaderİngilizceKitapUrban youth, Transition to adulthoodYouth culture and private space
Siân LincolnİngilizceKitapCulture, Private space, Youth cultureWhy girls fight: Female youth violence in the inner cityCindy D. NessİngilizceKitapViolenceMoving out, moving on: Young people's pathways in and through homelessnessRoger Averill, Shelley Mallett, Doreen RosenthalİngilizceKitapHomelessnessPlaying to win: Raising children in a competitive culture
Hilary Levey FriedmanİngilizceKitapFamily, EducationThe means to grow up: Reinventing apprenticeship as a developmental support in adolescence
Robert HalpernİngilizceKitapDevelopment, AdolescenceCitizens of an Empty Nation: Youth and State-Making in Postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina Azra HromadžicİngilizceKitapWarYouth Arts and Education: Reassembling Subjectivity through Affect Anna Hickey-MoodyİngilizceKitapArt, Education, Identity, Culture Equity and difference in physical education youth sport and health: A narrative approach Hayley Fitzgerald, Fiona Dowling, Anne FlintoffİngilizceKitapHealth, Sports, EducationSleep and Development: Familial and Socio-Cultural ConsiderationsMona El-SheikhİngilizceKitapDevelopmentAdolescence', pregnancy and abortion: Constructing a threat of degeneration Catriona MacLeodİngilizceKitapAdolescenceMedia and Youth: A Developmental Perspective Steven J. KirshİngilizceKitapMedia, Development, AdolescenceSouls in Transition: The Religious Lives of Emerging Adults in AmericaChristian Smith, Patricia SnellİngilizceKitapYoung adulthood, ReligionYouth, nationalism, and the Guinean revolution Jay StrakerİngilizceKitapNationalism, RevolutionDisciplining Germany: Youth, reeducation, and reconstruction after the second world war Jaimey FisherİngilizceKitapEducation, WarThe youth development handbook: Coming of age in American communities Mary HamiltonİngilizceKitapDevelopment, Transition to adulthood, Family, Psychology Purpose in life: A critical component of optimal youth development Kendall Cotton BronkİngilizceKitapDevelopment, Psychology Adolescents in contemporary Indonesia Lyn Parker, Pam NilanİngilizceKitapAdolescence, Education, Gender, Popular CultureIsraeli backpackers: From tourism to rite of passage Chaim NoyİngilizceKitapIdentity, CultureA political ecology of youth and crime Alan France, Derrick Armstrong, Dorothy BottrellİngilizceKitapCrime, Political ecologyTransition to adulthood: Action, projects, and counseling Richard D. Young, Ladislav Valach, Matthew D. Graham, Sheila Marshall, José F. Domene, Anat Zaidman-ZaitİngilizceKitapTransition to adulthood, Mentoring, AdolescenceUnresolved identities: Discourse, ambivalence, and urban immigrant students Bic NgoİngilizceKitapIdentity, Migrant, Urban youthLatina girls: Voices of adolescent strength in the U.S.Bianca Guzman, Jill DennerİngilizceKitapMinority, AdolescenceCommunity youth development: Programs, policies, and practicesDaniel F. Perkins, Lynne M. Borden, Francisco A. VillarruelİngilizceKitapDevelopment, Human Development, EducationThe age of youth in Argentina: Culture, politics, and sexuality from Peron to Videla Valeria ManzanoİngilizceKitapCulture, Politics, SexualityLatinas Attempting Suicide: When Cultures, Families, and Daughters Collide Luis H. ZayasİngilizceKitapMental health, Health, Adolescence, Culture, Family  Becoming bicultural: Risk, resilience, and Latino youthPaul R. Smokowski, Martica BacallaoİngilizceKitapMinority,Migrant, Risk, Ethnic Identity, ResilienceLGBT youth in America's Schools Sean Cahill, Jason CianciottoİngilizceKitapLGBT, Discrimination, EducationA new youth?: Young people, generations and family lifeElisabetta Ruspini, Carmen LeccardiİngilizceKitapTransition to adulthood, Youth sociology, GenerationYouth leadership in sport and physical education Donald R Hellison, Thomas J. MartinekİngilizceKitapEducation, SportsVulnerability and young people: Care and social control in policy and practice Kate BrownİngilizceKitapVulnerability, CareMaking citizens: Transforming civic learning for diverse social studies classroomsBeth C. RubinİngilizceKitapCitizenship, Education, EducationBalancing Acts: Youth culture in the global cityNatasha Kumar WarikooİngilizceKitapYouth culture, Culture, Peer relationship, Music, MinorityGeographies of children, youth and families: An international perspective Louise HoltİngilizceKitapFamily, GeographyToward Positive Youth Development: Transforming Schools and Community ProgramsMarybeth ShinnİngilizceKitap Positive youth development Youth tourism to israel educational experiences of the diaspora Erik CohenİngilizceKitapTourism, Identity Global perspectives on rural childhood and youth: Young rural lives Ruth Panelli, Elsbeth RobsonİngilizceKitapRural youthComing of political age: American schools and the civic development of immigrant youthRebecca M. Callahan, Chandra MullerİngilizceKitapMigrant, Political engagement, Engagement, EducationThe changing face of world cities: Young adult children of immigrants in Europe and the United States John H. Mollenkopf, Maurice CrulİngilizceKitapMinority, Migrant, MigrationCritical geographies of childhood and youth: Contemporary policy and practice Faith Tucker, John HortonİngilizceKitapGeography, MovementYouth culture in China: From Red Guards to netizensPaul ClarkİngilizceKitapYouth culture, Culture Urban youth and school pushout: Gateways, get-aways, and the GED Eve TuckİngilizceKitapEducation, Urban youthBullying in North American schoolsDorothy EspelageİngilizceKitapEducation, BullyingEveryday ruptures: Children, youth, and migration in global perspective Cati Coe, Deborah A. BoehmİngilizceKitapMigration, Migrant Informal education, childhood and youth: Geographies, histories, practices Sarah MillsİngilizceKitapEducation, GeographyWorking childhoods: Youth, agency and the environment in India Jane DysonİngilizceKitapDevelopment, Environment, EconomyThe transformation of sexuality: Gender and identity in contemporary youth culture Thomas JohanssonİngilizceKitapIdentity, Sexual Identity, Gender, Youth cultureContested bodies of childhood and youth Kathrin Horschelmann, Rachel Colls İngilizceKitapBody, SubjectivityThe power of the zoot: Youth culture and resistance during World War II Luis AlvarezİngilizceKitapYouth culture, Urban youth, Popular CulturePositive youth development through sport Nicholas L. HoltİngilizceKitapPositive youth development, Sports, EducationKeywords in youth studies: Tracing affects, movements, knowledgesNancy LeskoİngilizceKitap Culture, Poverty, Education, Social exclusion, Sexuality, Media, Internet, Violence, Migrant, Activism, Subculture Homelessness comes to schoolJoseph Murphy, Kerri TobinİngilizceKitapHomelessness, VulnerabilityReligion and youth Sylvia Collins-Mayo, Pink DandelionİngilizceKitapReligionDisability and youth sportHayley FitzgeraldİngilizceKitapDisability, SportsEducation, work and social change: Young people and marginalization in post-industrial Britain Robin Simmons, Lisa Russell, Ron ThompsonİngilizceKitapUnemployment, Youth unemployment, Marginalization Teenagers and technologyRebecca Eynon, Chris DaviesİngilizceKitapTechnology, Digital Media, Internet, AdolescenceA new youth?: Young people, generations and family lifeElisabetta Ruspini, Carmen LeccardiİngilizceKitapTransition to adulthood, Marginalization, Social exclusion, Marginalization, GenerationLearning to labour in post-Soviet Russia: Vocational youth in transition
Charles WalkerİngilizceKitapPoverty, Social stratification, Social changeBlack youth matters: Transitions from school to successPenny Standen, Tina Patel, Cecile WrightİngilizceKitapSchool-to-work transitionInventing modern adolescence: The children of immigrants in turn-of-the-century America Sarah ChinnİngilizceKitapAdolescence, Migration, Migrant, Identity, Culture Not in front of the children: 'Indecency,' censorship, and the innocence of youth Marjorie HeinsİngilizceKitapAdolescence, SexualityStreet kids: Homeless youth, outreach, and policing New York's streetsKristina E. GibsonİngilizceKitapHomelessnessYoung people, education, and sustainable development: Exploring principles, perspectives, and Praxis Peter Blaze Corcoran, Philip M. OsanoİngilizceKitapEducation, Sustainability, LeadershipIndian youth in a transforming world: Attitudes and perceptions Peter Ronald DeSouzaİngilizceKitapPublic opinion, Attitude, PerceptionThe perversion of youth: Controversies in the assessment and treatment of juvenile sex offenders Frank C. DiCataldoİngilizceKitapCrime, ViolenceYouth Culture in Global Cinema Timothy SharyİngilizceKitapYouth culture, CinemaWired citizenship: Youth learning and activism in the Middle East Linda HerreraİngilizceKitapActivism, Civic engagement, Engagement, Technology, Social media, Media, Political Communication  Youth Gangs, Violence and Social Respect: Exploring the Nature of Provocations and Punch-UpsRob WhiteİngilizceKitapCrime, ViolenceThe nicest kids in town: American Bandstand, Rock 'n' Roll, and the Struggle for Civil Rights in s PhiladelphiaMatthew F. DelmontİngilizceKitapYouth culture, Music, Discrimination, Civil rights Thriving and Spirituality Among Youth: Research Perspectives and Future PossibilitiesRichard M. Lerner, Erin PhelpsİngilizceKitapPositive youth development, Recounting Migration: Political narratives of congolese young people in Uganda Christina Clark-KazakİngilizceKitapMigration, MigrantRealizing the potential of immigrant youth Karmela Liebkind, Donald J HernandezİngilizceKitapMigration, Migrant, CultureRethinking gender and youth sportIan WellardİngilizceKitapGender, SportsBeing Arab: Ethnic and religious identity building among second generation youth in Montreal Paul EidİngilizceKitapMigrant, Ethnic Identity, Identity, Religion, DiscriminationYoung people in europe: Labour markets and citizenship Harriet BradleyİngilizceKitapLabor market, Economy, Citizenship, Employment, EducationFamily solutions for youth at risk: Applications to juvenile delinquency, truancy, and behavior problems William H. QuinnİngilizceKitapCrime, Behavioral disorders, Education, At-risk youth Joining society: Social interaction and learning in adolescence and youth Clotilde Pontecorvo, Anne Nelly Perret-Clermont, Tania Zittoun, Barbara Burge, Lauren B. ResnickİngilizceKitap Learning, Socialization, Adolescence, PolitizationYouth on religion: The development, negotiation and impact of faith and non-faith identityNicola Madge, Kevin Stenson, Peter HemmingİngilizceKitapReligion, Religious Identity, MulticulturalismWhy theatre matters: Urban youth, engagement, and a pedagogy of the real Kathleen GallagherİngilizceKitapTheatre Education, Urban youth, EngagementYouth peacebuilding: Music, gender, and change Lesley J. PruittİngilizceKitapYouth culture, Music, Gender, Peace Youth resistance research and theories of change K. Wayne YangİngilizceKitapResistance, Social changeCuban youth and revolutionary values: Educating the new socialist citizen Denise F. BlumİngilizceKitapEducation, Citizenship Youth Politics in East Germany: The Free German Youth Movement Alan McDougallİngilizceKitap Politics, Youth culturePositive youth justice: Children first, offenders secondKevin Haines, Stephen CaseİngilizceKitapJusticeResponding to youth crime in Hong Kong: Penal elitism, legitimacy and citizenship Wing Hong Chui, Michael AdorjanİngilizceKitapCrime, CitizenshipEnterprise culture in neoliberal India: Studies in youth, class, work and mediaNandini GooptuİngilizceKitapEntrepreneurship, Neoliberalism, Media, Class, IdentityBalancing acts: Youth culture in the global cityNatasha Kumar WarikooİngilizceKitapYouth culture, MigrantWhere the boys are: Cinemas of masculinity and youth Murray Pomerance, Frances K. GatewardİngilizceKitapCinema, Masculinity, GenderThe justice motive in adolescence and young adulthood: Origins and consequences Claudia Dalbert, Hedvig SallayİngilizceKitapAdolescence, Young adulthood, Justice, DevelopmentYouth ethnic and national identity in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Social science approaches Vladimir Turjacanin, Danijela MajstorovicİngilizceKitapEthnic Identity, National Identity, IdentityRisk, Resilience, and Positive Youth Development: Developing Effective Community Programs for At-Risk Youth Lessons from the Denver Bridge ProjectJeffrey M. JensonİngilizceKitapAt-risk youth, Positive youth development, Social services, ResilienceYouth studies: An introduction Andy FurlongİngilizceKitapEducation, Employment, Unemployment, Crime, Justice, Family, Health, Sexuality, Identity, Political engagement, CitizenshipYoung Chinese in urban China Alex CockainİngilizceKitapUrban youth, Social anthropologyTroubling gender: Youth and Cumbia in Argentina's music scene Pablo Vila, Pablo Seman, Eloisa Martin, Maria Julia CarozziİngilizceKitapMusic, Urban youth, Gender Youth, Music and Creative Cultures: Playing for Life Gerry Bloustien, Margaret PetersİngilizceKitapMusic, Youth culture Youth gangs and street children: Culture, nurture and masculinity in Ethiopia Paula HeinonenİngilizceKitapGang youth, Gender Islam, youth, and modernity in the Gambia: The tablighi jama'at Marloes JansonİngilizceKitapİslam, Modernity Girls in power: Gender, body, and menstruation in adolescenceLaura FingersonİngilizceKitapGender, Adolescence, BodyUnderstanding youth in the global economic crisis Alan FranceİngilizceKitapEconomy, Education, Welfare Language, youth and identity in the 21st century: Linguistic practices across urban spaces Jacomine Nortier, Bente A. SvendsenİngilizceKitapLanguage, Identity, Urban youthPreventing Youth Violence: Rethinking the Role of Gender and Schools Vanita SundaramİngilizceKitapViolence, Gender, EducationThe ethnopoetics of space and transformation: Young people's engagement, activism and aesthetics Stuart C. AitkenİngilizceKitapEngagement, Activism, SpaceIslam politics and youth in Malaysia: The pop-Islamist reinvention of PASDominik M. MuellerİngilizceKitapIslam, Social movements, Popular Culture, Media Consuming work: Youth labor in America Yasemin BesenİngilizceKitapLabor, Employment Comparative youth culture: The sociology of youth cultures and youth subcultures in America, Britain and Canada Mike BrakeİngilizceKitapYouth culture, Culture, Subculture, IdentityYoung people and workRobin Price İngilizceKitapEmployment, Labor force participation , Labor marketShe's mad real: Popular culture and West Indian girls in Brooklyn Oneka LaBennettİngilizceKitap Youth culture, Popular Culture, Consumption CultureInternational Perspectives on Youth Conflict and Development Colette Daiute, Craig Higson-SmithİngilizceKitapSocial exclusion, Public space, Violence, War Youth, crime, and justice: A global inquiryClayton A HartjenİngilizceKitapCrime, JusticeYoung people and offending: Education, youth justice and social inclusion Martin StephensonİngilizceKitapEducation, Justice, Crime, Social inclusionWorking with youth-at-risk in Hong Kong Francis Wing-lin LeeİngilizceKitapAt-risk youth, Justice, Social servicesYouth and identity politics in South Africa, – S. Nombuso DlaminiİngilizceKitapIdentity, Identity policies, EngagementPreventing bullying through science, policy, and practiceNational Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and MedicineİngilizceKitapBullying, Peer relationshipYouth street gangs: A critical appraisal David BrothertonİngilizceKitapGang youth, Crime Youth and disability: A challenge to Mr ReasonableJenny SlaterİngilizceKitapDisability, Gender, Sexuality, Transition to adulthoodStreet children and homeless youth: A cross-cultural perspective Lewis Aptekar, Daniel StoecklinİngilizceKitapHomelessnessYouth work: An institutional ethnography of youth homelessness Naomi NicholsİngilizceKitapHomelessness, Social servicesThe networked young citizen: Social media, political participation and civic engagementMichael A. XenosİngilizceKitapSocial media, Political engagement, Civic engagement, Engagement, Political Communication, Internet Young people and the shaping of public space in Melbourne, Simon SleightİngilizceKitapYouth culture, Public spaceIndigenous youth and multilingualism: Language identity, ideology, and practice in dynamic cultural worlds Teresa L. McCarty, Leisy T. Wyman, Sheilah E. NicholasİngilizceKitapLanguage, Identity, IdeologyInhabiting borders, routes home: Youth, gender, asylum Ala SirriyehİngilizceKitapGender, Migration, Migrant, IntersectionalityImages of England through popular music: Class, youth and rock 'n' roll, Keith GildartİngilizceKitapIdentity, Class, Music, ClassPolitics, participation & power relations: Transdisciplinary approaches to critical citizenship in the classroom and community Richard C. Mitchell, Shannon A. MooreİngilizceKitapEngagement, Political engagement, Citizenship Deviance and inequality in Japan: Japanese youth and foreign migrants Robert Stuart YoderİngilizceKitapMigration, Migrant, Inequality Youth, society and mobile media in Asia Stephanie Hemelryk DonaldİngilizceKitapSocial media, Identity, Well-being, Engagement, Social exclusionDrop that knowledge: Youth radio stories Elisabeth Soep, Vivian ChavezİngilizceKitapYouth culture, Social media, Media, LearningRethinking youth wellbeing: Critical perspectives Katie Wright, Julie McLeodİngilizceKitapWell-being, Welfare Global gangs: Street violence across the worldJennifer M. Hazen, Dennis RodgersİngilizceKitapGang youth, Violence Youth working with girls and women in community settings: A feminist perspectiveJanet BatsleerİngilizceKitapEducation, Social services, Feminism Educational experiences of hidden homeless teenagers: Living doubled-up Ronald E. HallettİngilizceKitapHomelessness, EducationResilience in action: Working with youth across cultures and contexts Linda LiebenbergİngilizceKitapResilience, Mental health, HealthThe gay liberation youth movement in New York: 'An army of lovers cannot fail'Stephan CohenİngilizceKitapIdentity, Identity Politics, LGBT, Youth movement, Sexual Identity, ActivismUrban multiculture: Youth, politics and cultural transformation in a global City Malcolm JamesİngilizceKitapUrban youth, Multiculturalism, PoliticsThe outcast majority: War, development, and youth in AfricaMarc SommersİngilizceKitapWar, Development Latino immigrant youth and interrupted schooling: Dropouts, dreamers and alternative pathways to college Marguerite LukesİngilizceKitapEducation, Migration, Migrant, Minority, DropoutDreams and nightmares: Immigration policy, youth, and families Marjorie Zatz, Nancy RodriguezİngilizceKitapMigration, Migrant, Family, Migration policies Growing into resilience: Sexual and gender minority youth in CanadaAndré P. GraceİngilizceKitapLGBT, Gender, ResilienceWorking with young people in secure accommodation: From chaos to cultureJim RoseİngilizceKitapCrime, Justice, Social services , Culture, Youth cultureHandbook of borderline personality disorder in children and adolescents Carla Sharp, Jennifer L. TackettİngilizceKitap Adolescence, Behavioral disordersA midwestern mosaic: Immigration and political socialization in rural America J. Celeste LayİngilizceKitapMigration, Migrant, Political Socialization, SocializationAdolescent psychology around the world Jeffrey ArnettİngilizceKitapAdolescence, Development Psychology, Cultural psychology Youth participation in Europe: Beyond discourses, practices and realities Patricia Loncle, Morena CuconatoİngilizceKitapEngagement, Political engagementInnovations in youth researchSue Heath, Charlie WalkerİngilizceKitapYouth research, Innovation, Research methodsChildren Behaving Badly?: Peer Violence between Children and Young PeopleChristine Barter, David BerridgeİngilizceKitapViolence, Peer relationship, Bullying, Gang youth Violence in Context: Current Evidence on Risk, Protection, and PreventionTodd I. Herrenkohl, Eugene AisenbergİngilizceKitapViolence Screening generation X: The politics and popular memory of youth in contemporary cinema Christina LeeİngilizceKitapMemory, Cinema, X generation, GenerationAgainst the tide: Household structure, opportunities, and outcomes among white and minority youthHarry J. Holzer, Henry Chen, Carolyn J. HillİngilizceKitapMinority, EmploymentContesting stereotypes and creating identities: Social categories, social identities, and educational participationAndrew J. Fuligni İngilizceKitapIdentity, Education, Ethnic Minority, Marginalization The changing transitions to adulthood in developing countries: Selected studiesBarney Cohen, Cynthia B. LloydİngilizceKitapTransition to adulthood, Developing countries, AdolescenceAdvancing the power of economic evidence to inform investments in children, youth, and familiesThe National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and MedicineİngilizceKitapInvestment, FamilyQueer youth, suicide and self-harm: Troubled subjects, troubling normsElizabeth McDermott, Katrina RoenİngilizceKitapLGBT, Queer, Mental health, Health Mediated youth cultures: The internet, belonging and new cultural configurations Andy BennettİngilizceKitapYouth culture, Culture, Internet, Social media, Media, IdentityAfter the Rebellion: Black youth, social movement activism, and the post-civil rights generation Sekou M. FranklinİngilizceKitapSocial movements, Activism, Civil rightsChoosing the future for American juvenile justiceFranklin ZimringİngilizceKitapCrime, JusticeGirlhood and the plastic image Heather Warren-CrowİngilizceKitapGender, Media Territories of violence: State, marginal youth, and public security in Honduras Lirio Gutiérrez RiveraİngilizceKitapViolence, SecurityOut of the basement: Youth cultural production in practice and in policy Miranda CampbellİngilizceKitapCulture, Youth culture, Subculture, Economy, Media Boy racer culture: Youth, masculinity and deviance Karen LumsdenİngilizceKitapMasculinity, Subculture, Youth cultureCitizens in the present: Youth civic engagement in the Americas Irene Rizzini, Norma Del Rio, María de los Angeles TorresİngilizceKitapCivic engagement, Political engagement, Engagement, Activism, LeadershipUnderstanding Mother-Adolescent Conflict Discussions: Concurrent and Across-time Prediction from Youths' Dispositions on Parenting Nancy Eisenberg, Claire Hofer, Tracy L. Spinrad, Elizabeth T. Gershoff , Carlos Valiente , Qing Zhou, Amanda Cumberland, Jeffrey Liew , Mark Reiser , Elizabeth Maxon, Judith G. Smetana, Nancy Darling İngilizceKitapAdolescence, FamilyYoung people and ‘risk’Maggie Blyth, Enver Solomon, Kerry BakerİngilizceKitapAt-risk youthGambling problems in youth: Theoretical and applied perspectives
Jeffrey L. Derevensky, Rina Gupta İngilizceKitapAdolescenceComing of age in U.S. high schools: Economic, kinship, religious, and political crosscurrentsAnnette B. Hemmings İngilizceKitapTransition to adulthood, Adolescence, ReligionAssessment in physical education: A sociocultural perspective
Peter Hay , Dawn PenneyİngilizceKitapSports, EducationReligion and politics in contemporary Japan: Soka Gakkai youth and KomeitoAnne Mette Fisker-Nielsen İngilizceKitapReligion, Politics, Political CultureSuicide and society in IndiaPeter Mayer İngilizceKitapHealth, Mental health The impact of parental employment: Young people, well-being and educational achievement

Linda CusworthİngilizceKitapWell-being, Family, EducationComing of age in times of crisis: Youth, schooling, and patriarchy in a Venezuelan townJanise Hurtig İngilizceKitapTransition to adulthood, GenderSpanish legacies: The coming of age of the second generationAlejandro Portes, Rosa Aparicio Gomez, William Haller İngilizceKitapTransition to adulthood, Migration, MigrantUncivil Engagement and Unruly Politics: Disruptive Interventions of Urban Youth
Femke KaulingfreksİngilizceKitapEngagement, Urban youth, Activism, Politics, Migration, MigrantYouth Participation in Democratic Life: Stories of Hope and Disillusion
Bart Cammaerts, Michael Bruter, Shakuntala Banaji, Sarah Harrison, Nick AnsteadİngilizceKitapEngagementFacing the challenges of a multi-age workforce: A use-inspired approach
Lisa M. Finkelstein and Donald M. TruxilloİngilizceKitapEmployment, Labor force participation Child and youth migration: Mobility-in-migration in an era of globalization
Angela Veale, Giorgia DonàİngilizceKitapMigration, Migrant, GlobalizationDelinquent girls: Contexts, relationships, and adaptation
Shari Miller, Leslie D. Leve, Patricia K. KerigİngilizceKitapCrime, JusticeFoundations for youth justice: Positive approaches to practiceAnne RobinsonİngilizceKitapCrime, Justice, At-risk youthTheir time has come: Youth with disabilities on the cusp of adulthood
Valerie Leiter İngilizceKitapDisability, Transition to adulthoodThe evolving citizen: American youth and the changing norms of democratic engagementJay P. Childers İngilizceKitapCitizenship, Political Engagement, EngagementResearch methods in physical education and youth sportKathleen Armour, Doune Macdonald İngilizceKitapSports, Education, Research methodsChildren and young people’s worlds: Developing frameworks for integrated practice
Heather Montgomery, Mary KellettİngilizceKitapEngagement, Family, Ethnic Identity, Sexuality, PovertyChildhood and youth studiesPaula Zwozdiak-MyersİngilizceKitapDevelopment, Identity, Gender, Ethnic IdentityFamily life and youth offending: Home is where the hurt is
Raymond Arthur İngilizceKitapFamily, Crime, JusticeNurturing future generations: Promoting resilience in children and adolescents through social, emotional and cognitive skills: Second edition
Rosemary A. Thompson Ed.D.İngilizceKitapResilience, Development, AdolescencePlugged in: How media attract and affect youth
Patti M. Valkenburg, Jessica Taylor Piotrowski İngilizceKitap Media Smartland Korea: Mobile communication, culture, and society
Dal Yong JinİngilizceKitapMedia, Communication, CultureYouth in postwar Guatemala: Education and civic identity in transition
Michelle J BellinoİngilizceKitapEducation, Identity, DemocracyGlobal youth in digital trajectories
Michalis Kontopodis , Christos Varvantakis, Christoph Wulf İngilizceKitapMediaEastern European youth cultures in a global context
Matthias Schwartz, Heike Winkel İngilizceKitapCulture, Globalization, Youth cultureYouth Social media and adolescence: Connecting, sharing and empowering
Michel Walrave, Koen Ponnet, Ellen Vanderhoven, Jacques Haers, Barbara Segaert İngilizceKitapMedia, Social media, AdolescenceCitizenship education and migrant youth in China: Pathways to the urban underclass
Miao LiİngilizceKitapCitizenship, Education, Migration, Migrant, IdentityAfrican youth and the persistence of marginalization: Employment, politics, and prospects for change
Danielle Resnick, James ThurlowİngilizceKitapEmployment, MarginalizationHandbook of children and youth studies
Johanna Wyn, Helen Cahill İngilizceKitapAdolescence, Transition to adulthoodYouth ‘at the margins’: Critical perspectives and experiences of engaging youth in research worldwide
Sheri Bastien, Halla B. HolmarsdottirİngilizceKitapResearch methods, Poverty, Social exclusion Domesticating youth: Youth bulges and their socio-political implications in Tajikistan
Sophie Roche, Günther SchleeİngilizceKitapDemographyThe unacknowledged disaster: Youth poverty and educational failure in America
Bruce J. BiddleİngilizceKitapPoverty, EducationSocial networks in youth and adolescence
 John CotterellİngilizceKitapSocial media, Media, Social relations, Adolescence Digital diversity: Youth, equity, and information technology
E. Dianne Looker , Ted D. NaylorİngilizceKitapCommunication, Technology, EducationCounselling and supporting children and young people: A person-centred approach
Mark PreverİngilizceKitapMentoringSex, power and consent: Youth culture and the youth culture and the unwritten rules
Anastasia PowellİngilizceKitapGender, Sexuality, Culture, Youth culturePolitical socialization of youth: A Palestinian case study
Janette HabashiİngilizceKitapPolitical SocializationOnline hate and harmful content: Cross-national perspectives
Teo Keipi and Matti NäsiİngilizceKitapMedia, TechnologyCreativity, religion and youth cultures
 Anne M. Harris İngilizceKitapReligion, Culture, Youth cultureThe sociology of generations: New directions and challenges
Jennie BristowİngilizceKitapGenerationPalestinian youth media and the pedagogies of estrangementSanjay Asthana and Nishan HavandjianİngilizceKitapMedia, CommunicationMaking space for queer-identifying religious youth
Yvette TaylorİngilizceKitapGender, Religion, QueerAdolescent-to-parent abuse: Current understandings in research, policy and practice
Amanda HoltİngilizceKitapAdolescence, FamilyGeneration X goes global: Mapping a youth culture in motion
Christine Henseler İngilizceKitapGeneration, X generation, Culture, Youth cultureIn a queer voice: Journeys of resilience from adolescence to adulthood
Michael SadowskiİngilizceKitapQueer, Resilience, Transition to adulthood, GenderYouth cultures, transitions, and generations: Bridging the gap in youth research
Dan Woodman, Andy BennettİngilizceKitapCulture, Transition to adulthood, Youth culture, GenerationPositive youth development in global contexts of social and economic changeAnne C. Petersen, Silvia H. Koller, Frosso Motti-Stefanidi, Suman Verma İngilizceKitapPositive youth developmentBurning dislike: ethnic violence in high schools
Martin Sanchez-JankowskiİngilizceKitapEthnic Identity, ViolenceGeneration jobless?: Turning the youth unemployment crisis into opportunity
Peter VogelİngilizceKitapUnemployment, Youth unemployment, Employment Living the dream: New immigration policies and the lives of undocumented Latino Youth
 Maria Chavez , Jessica L Lavariega Monforti, Melissa R Michelson İngilizceKitapMigration, MigrantA critical youth studies for the 21st century Annelies Kamp, Peter KellyİngilizceKitapEducation, Employment, Culture, Gender, HealthYouth in Contemporary India: Images of identity and social change
Parul Bansal İngilizceKitapIdentity, Urban youthQueer youth and media culturesChristopher Pullen İngilizceKitapGender, Media, Culture, QueerPlaced at risk by the system: The educational vulnerability of children and youth in foster care
Andrea Zetlin, Lois Weinberg İngilizceKitapFamily, Foster Family, Education, CareDeconstructing youth: Youth discourses at the limits of sense
Fleur GabrielİngilizceKitapSexuality, Violence, DevelopmentJuvenile JusticeSteven P Lab, John T. WhiteheadİngilizceKitapJustice, CrimeYoung Muslims, pedagogy and Islam: Contexts and concepts
M. G. KhanİngilizceKitapReligion, PedagogyYouth: Responding to lives: An international readerAndrew AzzopardiİngilizceKitapSocial inclusion, Social exclusionEuropean data protection: Coming of age
Serge Gutwirth and Ronald LeenesİngilizceKitapTransition to adulthoodAdolescent mental health: Prevention and intervention
Terje Ogden, Kristine Amlund HagenİngilizceKitapAdolescence, Health, Mental health The crisis for young people: Generational inequalities in education, work, housing and welfareAndy GreenİngilizceKitapInequality, Employment, Welfare, GenerationRace, gangs and youth violence: Policy, prevention and policingAnthony GunterİngilizceKitapViolence, Gang youth21st century skills development through inquiry-based learning: From theory to practiceSamuel Kai Wah Chu and Rebecca B. ReynoldsİngilizceKitapEducationMental health and wellbeing through schools: The way forward
Rosalyn H. Shute, Phillip T. Slee İngilizceKitapWell-being, Health, Mental healthYoung people, welfare and crime: Governing non-participation
Ross FergussonİngilizceKitapWelfare, Crime, EngagementEducation and social media: Toward a digital future
Christine Greenhow, Julia Sonnevend , Colin AgurİngilizceKitapSocial media, EducationResponding to youth violence through youth work
Mike Seal, Pete Harris İngilizceKitapEmployment, ViolenceYouth and sport for development: The seduction of football in LiberiaHolly CollisonİngilizceKitapDevelopment, SportsYouth voices, public spaces, and civic engagement
Stuart Greene, Kevin J. Burke, Maria K. McKennaİngilizceKitapCivic engagement, Engagement, CitizenshipYouth cultures and subcultures: Australian perspectives
Sarah Baker, Brady RobardsİngilizceKitapYouth culture, Culture, SubcultureYoung people and the labour market: A comparative perspective
Floro Ernesto Caroleo, Olga Demidova, Enrico Marelli , Marcello SignorelliİngilizceKitapLabor market, Employment, School-to-work transitionAdolescence: Growing Up in America TodayJoy G. Dryfoos, Carol BarkinİngilizceKitapAdolescenceSuper girls, gangstas, freeters, and xenomaniacs: Gender and modernity in global youth cultures
Susan DeweyİngilizceKitapGender, Culture, Identity, Youth culture, Gang youthParent-youth relations: Cultural and cross-cultural perspectives
Stephan Wilson and Gary W PetersonİngilizceKitapFamily, ParenthoodJapan's emerging youth policy: Getting young adults back to work Tuukka Toivonen İngilizceKitapSchool-to-work transition,Labor market, EmploymentYoung adult offenders: Lost in transition?Friedrich Lösel and Anthony BottomsİngilizceKitapCrime, Justice, Transition to adulthoodObesity and adolescence: A public health concernHatim A. Omar , Donald E. Greydanus, Dilip R., M.D. Pate, Joav MerrickİngilizceKitapHealth, AdolescenceComing out, coming in: Nurturing the well-being and inclusion of gay youth in mainstream society Linda Goldman, Jody M. HuckabyİngilizceKitapGender, Well-being, Social inclusionYoung people in forensic mental health settings: Psychological thinking and practice Joel Harvey, Andrew Rogers, Heather LawİngilizceKitapCrime, Violence, Mental health, HealthThe war of my generation: Youth culture and the war on terrorDavid KieranİngilizceKitapTerror, Youth cultureYouth cultures and subcultures: Australian perspectives Brady Robards, Sarah BakerİngilizceKitapYouth culture, Subculture, Culture Youth, health, and the modern university Catherine GidneyİngilizceKitapHealth, Education, Physical Education, Sports, GenderYouth practices in digital arts and new media: Learning in formal and informal settingsJoanna Black, Juan Carlos Castro, Ching-Chiu LinİngilizceKitapMedia, Digital Media, Learning Pathways to gang involvement and drug distribution: Social, environmental, and psychological factors Inger-Lise LienİngilizceKitapGang youth, Substance useA child shall lead them: Martin Luther King Jr., young people, and the movementRufus BurrowİngilizceKitapCivil rights, Social movements Understanding sex and relationship education, youth and class: A youth work-led approach Sharon ElleyİngilizceKitapSexuality Education, ClassYouth, crime and justiceCyndi BanksİngilizceKitapCrime, Justice, Youth culture Persisters and desisters in crime from adolescence into adulthood: Explanation, prevention and punishment Rolf Loeber, Dr Machteld HoeveİngilizceKitapCrime, Adolescence, Young adulthood, Justice Queer youth suicide, culture and identity: Unliveable lives?Rob CoverİngilizceKitapQueer, LGBT, Sexual Identity, Mental health, Health, Gender Advancing youth work: Current trends, critical questionsDana FuscoİngilizceKitapYouth servicesKey indicators of child and youth well-being: Completing the picture Brett V. BrownİngilizceKitapWell-being, Welfare  Young men in uncertain timesVered Amit, Noel DyckİngilizceKitapTransition to adulthood, , Masculinity, GenderPractical interventions for young people at riskKathryn GeldardİngilizceKitapAt-risk youth, Peer relationship, Bullying, Marginalization, Mental health, Health,Gang youth, Social services Body, femininity and nationalism: Girls in the German youth movement Marion E. P. de RasİngilizceKitapYouth movements, Gender, NationalismGirls, Aggression, and Intersectionality: Transforming the Discourse of 'Mean Girls' in the United StatesKrista McQueeney, Alicia Girgenti-MaloneİngilizceKitapViolence, Bullying, Intersectionality, Gender, IdentityTeenage pregnancy and young parenthood: Effective policy and practiceRoger Ingham, Alison HadleyİngilizceKitap Parenthood, , Social services  Young people and social control: Problems and prospects from the margins Kalwant Bhopal, Ross DeucharİngilizceKitapDisadvantaged groups, Crime, Justice Educating entrepreneurial citizens: Neoliberalism and youth livelihoods in TanzaniaJoan G. DeJaeghereİngilizceKitapEducation, Employment, Entrepreneurship, Neoliberalism;Prairie rising: Indigenous youth, decolonization, and the politics of intervention Jaskiran DhillonİngilizceKitapDecolonization, PoliticsYouth drinking cultures in a digital world: Alcohol, social media and cultures of intoxicationAntonia C. Lyons, Tim McCreanor, Ian Goodwin, Helen Moewaka BarnesİngilizceKitapYouth culture, Social media, Substance use, Identity, MediaHandbook on positive development of minority children and youthNatasha J. Cabrera, Birgit LeyendeckerİngilizceKitapEthnic Minority, Positive youth development, MigrationYearning to labor: Youth, unemployment, and social destiny in urban France John P. MurphyİngilizceKitapUnemployment, Youth unemployment, Ethnic Minority, InequalityUnderstanding youth participation across europe: From survey to ethnographyHilary Pilkington, Gary Pollock, Renata FrancİngilizceKitapPolitical engagement, Engagement, Activism, Digital ActivismYouth and Social Class: Enduring Inequality in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand Alan France, Steven RobertsİngilizceKitapClass, Inequality, Youth sociology, MarginalizationRoutledge Handbook of Youth and Young AdulthoodAndy FurlongİngilizceKitapYoung adulthood, Adolescence, Identity, Class, Gender, Youth culture, Education, Health, Crime, Justice, Employment, Unemployment, Sexuality, Ethnic Minority  Youth, space and time: Agoras and chronotopes in the global cityCarles Feixa, Carmen Leccardi, Pam NilanİngilizceKitapSpace, Urban youth, Youth culture Identifying Opportunities for Prevention and Intervention in the Youth Depression CascadeNational Academy of SciencesİngilizceKitapAdolescence, Mental health, Health Group activities for Latino/a youth: Strengthening identities and resiliencies through counselingKrista M. Malott, Tina R. Paone İngilizceKitapIdentity, Resilience, Ethnic IdentityGlobal perspectives on youth gang behavior, violence, and weapons use Simon Harding, Marek Palasinski İngilizceKitapGang youth, Violence Critical examinations of school violence and disturbance in K educationGordon A. Crews İngilizceKitapViolence, Education, CrimeBritish Youth Television: Transnational Teens, Industry, Genre Faye WoodsİngilizceKitapYouth culture, Media Jobless citizens: Political engagement of the young unemployed Marco Giugni, Jasmine LorenziniİngilizceKitapUnemployment, Youth unemployment, Political engagement, Engagement, Well-being, Welfare Youth and sexualities: Pleasure, subversion, and insubordination in and out of schoolsMary Louise Rasmussen, Eric Rofes, and Susan TalburtİngilizceKitapSexual Identity, Queer, LGBT, SexualityExperiencing long-term unemployment in Europe: Youth on the edge Christian Lahusen, Marco Giugni İngilizceKitapUnemployment, Youth unemployment, Social exclusion, Well-being  Youth and the crisis: Unemployment, education and health in EuropeGianluigi Coppola, Niall O'HigginsİngilizceKitapUnemployment, Youth unemployment, Education, Health, Inequality, Labor market Youth identities and social transformations in modern IndonesiaKathryn Robinson İngilizceKitapIdentity, Social change, Adolescence, Education, Peer relationship, Gender School-based Practice with Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness James CanfieldİngilizceKitapHomelessness, Poverty, Social servicesSocially just, radical alternatives for education and youth work practice: Re-Imagining ways of working with young peopleCharlie Cooper, Sinéad Gormally and Gill HughesİngilizceKitapEducation, Social justice, Youth servicesYouth quotas and other efficient forms of youth participation in ageing societiesPetter Haakenstad GodliİngilizceKitapEngagement, Political engagement, Aging, DemographyUrban dialectics, the market and youth engagement: The 'Black' face of eurocentrism?Ornette D ClennonİngilizceKitapYouth culture, Popular Culture, EngagementDigital storytelling, applied theatre, & youth: Performing possibilityMegan AlrutzİngilizceKitapApplied theatre, Performance, PerformativityCadjan-Kiduhu': Global perspectives on youth work Brian BeltonİngilizceKitapYouth service, Youth policiesAdolescent violence in the home: Restorative approaches to building healthy, respectful family relationships Gregory Routt, Lily AndersonİngilizceKitapAdolescence, Mental health, , Family Growing up fast: Re-visioning adolescent mothers' transitions to young adulthood Bonnie J. Ross LeadbeaterİngilizceKitapParenthood, Transition to adulthood Music and political youth organizations in Russia: The national identity issue Chiara PierobonİngilizceKitapMusic, National Identity Supporting the well being of girls: An evidence-based school programmeTina Rae, Elizabeth PiggottİngilizceKitapWell-being, Mental health, Bullying, Health Reluctant gangsters: The changing face of youth crime John PittsİngilizceKitapCrime, Gang youth Youth and peaceful elections in Kenya Kimani NjoguİngilizceKitapLeadership, Peace, Democracy Inclusion and exclusion through youth sportSymeon Dagkas and Kathleen ArmourİngilizceKitapSports, Social exclusion, Social inclusionYouth and internet addiction in ChinaBax TrentİngilizceKitap


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