serial arduino library / Arduino Proje / TwoPortReceive

Serial Arduino Library

serial arduino library

Before making the project, I assume to you know about ESP8266 Wi-Fi module(inexpensive compared to other wifi modules and it has a MCU. For these reasons, it is motivation on IoT products for me) and you have one. I am new on ESP8266 and I have a Intel Galileo Gen1 and no USB – TTL converter or an Arduino. So I need to communicate with ESP8266 via Intel Galileo but SoftwareSerial library which is used for Arduino-ESP8266 examples does not work on Galileo. Arduino can be also used to communicate with ESP8266 and most of examples SoftwareSerial library is used to create Serial port which is used to cummunicate with  ESP8266,  although SoftwareSerial library is available on Arduino IDE for Intel Galileo, the library does not work. Fortunately, Galileo has a Serial port on Tx/Rx pins which is numbered 1 and 0 respectively on the board. Galileo has 3 Serial channels that one channel called ‘Serial’ is IDE Serial Monitor on USB client which is used to comminicate with Galileo at Serial Port Monitor on Arduino IDE, the other port called ‘Serial1’ or UART0 which is used to communicate with a device via Tx and Rx pins on the board. Rx pin is numbered as 0, and Tx pin is numbered as 1 you know. And the other port called ‘Serial2’ or UART1 which is available on 3.5mm jack port.The Serial2 is used to access the linux terminal of the board. You can read detailed article about preparing a 3.5 mm jack cable which will be used to access linux terminal of the board via your PC. This is called serial port communication. The communication is between your PC and the board.

uart- serial  comm

We will use UART0 port over pin0:Rx and pin1:Tx for communication. AT commands will be send at Serial Port Monitor on Arduino IDE via ‘Serial’ and, Galileo will send these commands to ESP8266 over ‘Serial1’ ,then returning of the commands which is responding of ESP8266 module will be send over the same way to the Serial Port Monitor on Arduino IDE. The main process like this. 

ESP8266 Pın Configuration;

Tx pin of ESP8266 connected to pin0:Rx on the Galileo board,

Rx pin of ESP8266 connected to pin1:Tx on the Galileo,

Vcc pin of ESP8266 to Galileo’s 3.3V output(Attention! not to 5V),

CH_PD of ESP8266 to Galileo’s 3.3V(you can use a breadboard to short CH_PD and VCC pins of ESP8266). CH_PD pin is enable pin for the module so that you must supply high signal to this pin.

GND pin of ESP8266 to Galileo’s ground pin,

intel galileo-esp8266

In addition, you can use a capacitor for VCC and CH_PD pins to avoid voltage changes or a 3.3V regulator may be used. If a 3.3V regulator is used, you watch out that there is a term which is called dropout voltage on regulator so you must use 5Vpin of Intel Galileo for supplying reference voltage to the regulator. Regulator has 3 pins; 5V input pin, a ground pind and a 3.3v output pin.

After making required connections, connect your Galileo to your PC and Run Arduino IDE. I have used Arduino whose version 1.5.3. The required code is here,

Required codes;

</pre> // //These commands have be coded for communinating with ESP8266 via Intel Galileo //whole article and required pin configuration between Galileo and ESP8266 //is available on //Rx of ESP8266 to Galileo's pin1:Tx //Tx of ESP8266 to Galileo's pin0:Rx //VCC and CH_PD of ESP8266 to Galileo's 3.3V voltage output //GND to GND String a = ""; char c; char k; void setup() { Serial1.begin(115200); Serial.begin(115200); } void loop() { if(Serial1.available()){ // if ESP8266 is available on Serial1 while(Serial1.available()){// while it is available c =;  //listen to Serial1(ESP8266) character by character and assign to c a += c;              // assign c to string a } Serial.print(a);      //print the responding of ESP8266 a = "";               // empty the string a } if(Serial.available()){     //if USB client is available on Serial Port Monitor(Serial) delay(2000);          // delay is required to whole reading of your command // which will be send to ESP8266 String yourcommand=""; //create empty string for storing your command while(Serial.available()){ // while Serial is available k =;     //listen to Serial Port Monitor on IDE(Serial) // character by character and assign to k yourcommand += k;       // assign each char k to yourcommand } Serial1.println(yourcommand); // send the read character to ESP8266 } } <pre>


You need to fix the code after pasting on Arduino sketch for quates. Check the whole code after pasting.

According to firmware version your ESP8266 module, you should need to change baudrate.

Open Serial Port Monitor on IDE Baudrate of Serial Port Monitor on Arduino IDE is the same with Serial1 baud rate and additionaly CR (Carriage Return) should be selected.Type test command “AT”. Respond should be “OK”, if you have done correctly.

“AT+GMR” can be used for determining the firmware version of your module,

“AT+RST” is used to reset the module,

“AT+CWLAP” for listing the access points which the module can receive,(if you burn a firmware your ESP8266, you need to use mode of the module by typing “AT+CWMODE=1”. Mode1 set up ESP8266 for joining a router)

“AT+ CWJAP =<ssid>,< pwd >” for join an access point, ssid is access point’s ssid and password is password of it,

“AT+CWJAP?” is used to see joined access point ssid or you can check whatever ESP8266 is connected to the your wi-fi network by opening your router web interface on browser.

“AT+CIFSR” ic used to check the assigned IP adress to ESP8266 by router.

Serial Monitor Outputs
Serial Monitor Outputs

Please report bugs on applying the above steps!

Bunu beğen:



Modbus RTU SD Read & Write with

Things used in this project


SD Read & Write with Modbus Rtu communication.

English Language

In this project I made, I used the SD and SPI libraries that came with Arduino and a library prepared by a developer called ModbusRtu.h. If you want to try my project, the address of the relevant library is: Modbus

The main reason for me to handle and prepare my project is my curiosity about Modbus RTU protocol and serial communication devices. Of course, I don't know how hard it is to get such information on another subject. While I was writing my Arduino code, I didn't pay much attention to the method, of course it can be developed further. I hope it will be a tutorial for those who are interested in such issues like me.

Türkçe Dil

Yaptığım bu projede Arduino ile birlikte gelen SD ve SPI kütüphanelerini ve ModbusRtu.h isimli bir geliştiricinin hazırladığı kütüphaneyi kullandım. Projemi denemek isterseniz ilgili kütüphanenin adresi: Modbus

Projemi ele alıp hazırlamamın asıl sebebi Modbus RTU protokolü ve seri haberleşme cihazlarına olan merakımdır. Başka bir konuda böyle bir bilgiye ulaşmanın ne kadar zor olduğunu bilmiyorum tabii. Arduino kodumu yazarken yönteme pek dikkat etmedim, elbette daha da geliştirilebilir. Umarım benim gibi bu tür konulara ilgi duyanlar için öğretici olur.

My Modbus software (I wrote this software in C# and I am still developing it.)

Read more




Arduino due sensor


Merhaba Arduino Due Kartımda Gravity sensörünü çalıştıramadım kod yüklendikten sonra sensörden veriler gelmiyor nedendir ne yapmalıyım yardımcı olabilir misiniz?


Google translate / Google Çeviri

Hello. I could not operate the Gravity sensor on my Arduino Due Card. After the code is loaded, the data from the sensor is not coming. Why should I do? Can you help me?

Please post your code and a wiring diagram.



hata bu


Can you please post a circuit diagram of your project?

Thanks.. Tom... :slight_smile:


Is that library compatible with a DUE?

Tom... :slight_smile:


kütüphanenin arduino due ile uyumlu olup olmadığını nasıl anlarım veya uyumlu kütüphaneyi nasıl bulurum


Bu kütüphane DUE ile uyumlu mu?

Tom ... :slight_smile:


To check for compatibility go to the github site that provided the library.

Also google

arduino due BNO055

Tom... :slight_smile:


To check for compatibility go to the github site that provided the library.

Also google

arduino due BNO055

Tom... :slight_smile:

Özel olarak arduino due için bir kütüphane bulamıyorum


denedim ama olmadı malesef :frowning: benim sensör GRAVİTY acaba sorun ondan mı ki
yoksa due kartı bozuk olabilir mi yeni alınmıştı


Sorry I don't have a lot of experience with DUE controller.

There is an Arduino Due section in this forum, it may be a better help.

Tom... :slight_smile:


Sorry I don't have a lot of experience with DUE controller.

There is an Arduino Due section in this forum, it may be a better help.

Tom... :slight_smile:

Okay thank you so much

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oksabron ne için kullanılır patates yardımı başvurusu adana yüzme ihtisas spor kulübü izmit doğantepe satılık arsa bir örümceğin kaç bacağı vardır